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Flood risk and new developments

Landowners and consenting

The maintenance and clearance of watercourses plays a key role in managing water levels and reducing the risk of flooding.  If you have land or property next to a river, stream or ditch you are a Riparian Owner and have a legal obligation to maintain the conveyance of water flowing through watercourses across your land under the Land Drainage Act 1991. This can be achieved in a few ways.

Maintaining the flow: water should flow through your land in its natural quality and quantity and have the responsibility to pass on the flow without obstruction, pollution, or diversion. You should clear any debris affecting the flow within the watercourses and from any structures such as culverts and weirs.

On the bank: banks should be kept clear of anything that could cause an obstruction and increase flood risk to you or those downstream. You should maintain any trees, shrubs, or vegetation on the banks.

Flood attenuation on agricultural land: Allowing flood water to flow over agricultural land can reduce the impact the flood has elsewhere, for example in a built-up area. Using farmland in this way means that fewer costly, hard engineered flood defences are needed.  

Fish and Fisheries: You should not cause obstructions in the watercourse that would affect or prevent the passage of fish. You usually have a right to fish in your own watercourse, but everyone over the age of 12 must have a valid rod licence from the Environment Agency.

Land drainage consent

You must apply for Land Drainage Consent if you want to:

  • do work on, over, under or near an ordinary watercourse (within 9 metres of the landward toe of the bank)
  • make changes to any structure that helps control water

To undertake works on or near to all watercourses in West Northamptonshire that are not main rivers you need to contact us by emailing [email protected].

Other consents and permits

For works on main rivers (within 8 metres of the landward toe of the bank) in West Northamptonshire you need to apply for an environmental permit from the Environment Agency.

Last updated 17 September 2024