Abington Vale Pavillion Preschool
Abington Vale Primary School, Ashford Close
United Kingdom
How to contact this service
Abington Vale Pavillion Preschool offers education and care for children aged 2 years until school age. It aims to provide children with a positive, caring, motivating experience. Its experienced and dedicated team support children to develop a strong sense of self confidence and independence. Through play and teaching, children are nurtured and inspired to become independent, resilient, and proactive learners.
As a preschool, it follows the Government framework, known as The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). The guidance within it sets out standards of care and learning that all childcare providers are expected to deliver. Its purpose is to ensure that children are provided with a rich learning experience tailored to their individual needs whilst being cared for in a safe environment.
Leaving your child (maybe for the first time) can be a daunting and worrying process. Abington Vale Pavillion Preschool understand this and so, before deciding whether to register, it encourages parents to have a look around. To enquire, please email [email protected] or call 01604 629360.
Abington Vale Pavillion Preschool offer 15 and 30 hours universal and extended funding for 2, 3, and 4 year-old children. To find out more, visit www.childcarechoices.gov.uk.
Abington Vale Pavillion Preschool is open 38 weeks of the year, five days a week. its hours are 9am to 4pm.
- Accreditations
Ofsted registration number 138952
- Cost
- Fees are charged at :- £36.75 for full day or £15.75 for a 3hr session (3&4 years olds) £16.50 for a 3hr session (2 year olds) Children will have to attend either 5 mornings, 5 afternoons or full days. All booked sessions are chargeable irrespective of whether your child attends.
- Locality
- Northampton
- Age range
- Suitable for ages from 24 months to 4 years
- Childcare and Early Years
- Pre-Schools
- Day Nurseries
- Funding
- 2 year old funding
- 3 and 4 year old 30 hours/extended funding
- 3 and 4 year old universal funding
Service hours
Weekday | Opens | Closes |
Monday | 09:00 | 16:00 |
Tuesday | 09:00 | 16:00 |
Wednesday | 09:00 | 16:00 |
Thursday | 09:00 | 16:00 |
Friday | 09:00 | 16:00 |
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Last updated 05 February 2025