Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) and Child Protection Team - NCT

How to contact this service
If it is an emergency and you think that a child may be in immediate danger please contact the emergency services directly by calling 999. If you need to contact the Northamptonshire Children's Trust (NCT) urgently during the evening, at night, or at the weekend, please phone their out-of-hours team on 01604 626938.
I am a professional with a concern about a child
• What should I do if I have an urgent concern?
If you have an urgent concern, please do not hesitate to call the MASH immediately on 0300 126 7000 where you will be able to speak to a professional who will listen to and record your concern. You will be required to submit a written copy of the referral following this conversation if it meets the thresholds for a referral.
• What should I do I have a concern?
If there is no immediate danger, you should establish the level of need and risk before you take action. The Thresholds Guidance will help you to do this.
This document sets out NCT's approach to providing support to potentially vulnerable children in Northamptonshire.
• What is the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub?
Various professionals from different organisations work together in the MASH, including social care, the police, and the NHS. By working together, they can gather and collate information quickly to make informed decisions about the risks posed to a child and decide on the most appropriate response to your concern.
• What will happen when I raise a concern?
Where there reasonable cause to suspect a child is suffering significant harm (or is likely to do so), the MASH shares and uses information to decide on the best course of action. This is likely to include more detailed enquiries by social workers and partner organisations. If the MASH decide that a case does not meet the threshold for significant harm and does not need social care involvement, They will recommend alternative forms of support that are available to the family.
• What will reporting a concern involve?
Professionals reporting a concern will be expected to provide various details about themselves, the child, the family, and the concern. This information will be recorded and may be shared with relevant partners. Where appropriate, you will be expected to gain the consent of the parents or carers unless there is a good reason not to. The general expectation is that you should have informed the parents or carers that you are making a referral.
• What happens after I raise a concern?
Once you have raised a concern by phone and you have been told it meets the thresholds for a safeguarding requirement, you will be required to complete a follow-up online referral. Please refer to the webpages for further information.
After a referral is made, further information may be collected with the MASH's partner agencies and, where appropriate, the family of the child will be contacted. Once the concern has been assessed and an outcome has been agreed, you will receive an email informing you of the outcome.
• What should I do if I am worried or concerned?
If you are worried or concerned about something that has happened to you, a friend, or someone you know, please call the MASH on 0300 126 7000.
• What is the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub?
Various professionals from different organisations work together in the MASH, including social care, the police and the NHS. By working together, they can share and use information to help them to decide on the best course of action in relation to your concern.
I am a parent or carer with a concern about a child
• What should I do if I am worried or concerned?
If you are worried or concerned about something that has happened to you, a friend, or someone you know, please call us on 0300 126 7000.
• What happens when I raise a concern?
Where there reasonable cause to suspect a child is suffering significant harm or is likely to do so, the MASH share and use information to help them decide on the best course of action. This is likely to include more detailed enquiries by social workers and partner organisations. If they decide that a case does not meet the threshold for significant harm and does not need social care involvement, they will recommend alternative forms of support that are available to the family.
• What will reporting a concern involve?
Parents and carers reporting a concern will be expected to provide various details about themselves, the child, the family, and the concern. This information will be recorded and may be shared with relevant partners. However, should you wish to do so, it is possible to report your concern anonymously.
• What will happen after I raise a concern?
After a referral is made, the concern will be assessed, further information may be collected with the MASH's partner agencies and, where appropriate, the family of the child will be contacted. Working with partners, your concern will be assessed and appropriate actions will be taken.
I have a concern about an adult working with children and young people
You should report all cases within 24 hours to the Designated Officer (LADO) in which it is alleged that any person who works with children has:
• Behaved in a way that has harmed, or may have harmed, a child.• Possibly committed a criminal offence against children, or related to a child.• Behaved towards a child (or children) in a way that indicates they may pose a risk of harm to children. For example, if their conduct falls within any of these categories: physical•abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, or neglect.
Please use the contact details on the webpages to report your concerns.
- Cost
- Free
- Locality
- Brackley Area
- Corby Area
- Daventry Area
- East Northants Area
- Kettering Area
- Northampton Area
- Towcester Area
- Wellingborough Area
- North Northamptonshire
- West Northamptonshire
- Northamptonshire
- Additional languages
- Translation and/or Interpreting Available on Request
- Age range
- Suitable for ages from 0 to 99 years
- Referral route
- No Referral Needed
- For people with
- Suitable for Everyone
- Eligibility criteria
- Open to Everyone
- Provider category
- Universal Services - Suitable for Everyone
Children, Families, and Education, Criminal Justice Centre, 700 Pavilion Drive
United Kingdom
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Last updated 22 March 2024