West Northamptonshire SEND & AP Partnership Improvement Board Summary (28 November 2024)

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Item 1: Community Paediatric Review Update
- Partnership feedback on the Community Paediatric report was forwarded to the ICB on 15th November.
- A revised report, including a draft action plan, is to be finalised and presented to the ICB committee in mid-December.
- Key themes: coproduction, data, engagement, joint commissioning, workforce capacity and standard operating procedures.
- A waiting time reduction plan is being developed.
Item 2: Programme Summary (October)
Partnership and Leadership
- Amber progress ratings have mostly been addressed through the reprioritisation of the milestone delivery dates. Recognition of high volume of actions completed.
- Joint commissioning strategy continues to be a priority and is closely linked to the development of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA). Both of which are on track for delivery within timescale.
Right Support, Right Place, Right Time
- Updates on community paediatrics review were provided as above.
- SALT provision recruitment is underway and hope to start seeing changes and improvement in the new year.
- Mapping offers of support for schools and families is ongoing across the partnership.
Timeliness and Quality of Assessments and EHC Plans
- Amber rating due to difficulty demonstrating impact of work/progress so far, however evidence of EHCP performance improving.
- EP recovery plan has progressed as expected and work is now underway to ensure sustainable, long-term plans are in place to meet demand.
- Risks were reported around lack of specialist school places for CYP.
Transitions & Preparation for Adulthood (PfA)
- As an area for improvement (as opposed to a priority action), several milestones were altered in order to ensure capacity to deliver them. Much planning has taken place to set the workstream up for success.
- A PfA event has been scheduled for 9th December for parents, carers and professionals.
Item 3: Impact Reporting
- Development of coproduced templates for reporting impact were shared with the Board.
- Emphasis on needing to also include qualitative measures effectively and impact tracking methods to capture all progress within the wider delivery plan as well as priority action plan.
- Positive feedback on the new reporting format and it’s adoption.
- Key colleagues will meet to discuss and develop qualitative measures.
Item 4: Health & Wellbeing Board Feedback
- Programme summary and impact report were presented to the Health and Wellbeing Board as part of our reporting governance structure.
- Recognition from senior executive leaders of the rapid progress, challenges and ongoing risks.
Item 5: Deep Dive Feedback
- Deep Dives are a formal meeting with Department for Education (DfE) representatives to review progress of the partnership against the improvement notice.
- The recent Deep Dive took place in November with a focus on JSNA and Joint Commissioning.
- A formal response from the DfE will shortly be sent to the partnership however overall, there was some positive feedback from DfE regarding steps forward and additional recommendations will form part of the formal response.
Item 6: Preparation for January stock take
- ‘Stocktakes’ are a more formal approach to partnership review with the DfE and NHS England.
- Stocktakes will look in more detail and the level of engagement from strategic leaders and focus on improvement notice progress.
- The DfE will look to review the impact of work undertaken and the difference being made for children, young people and families.
- The partnership stocktake will take place in January 2025.
Item 7: Northampton General Hospital Pathways Update
- Ongoing concerns about ASD/ADHD pathways and communication to children, young people and families were discussed.
- Further meetings will be taking place to address these concerns and the item will return to a future board meeting.
- Locality
- Brackley Area
- Daventry Area
- Northampton Area
- Towcester Area
- West Northamptonshire
- Northamptonshire
- Additional languages
- Translation and/or Interpreting Available on Request
- Age range
- Suitable for ages from 0 to 25 years
- Referral route
- No Referral Needed
- Eligibility criteria
- Open to Everyone
- Provider category
- Specialist Services - For those who require longer-term support
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Last updated 12 December 2024