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Adult Social Care: Commissioning for a Good Life, Learning Disability Framework (WNC)

Adult Social Care: Commissioning for a Good Life, Learning Disability Framework (WNC) logo


West Northamptonshire Council's Adult Social Care (ASC) Team use a contract framework called ‘Commissioning for a Good Life‘. It focusses their commissioned services on strengths-based approaches, progression, and outcomes. 

Commissioning for a Good Life

This joint framework was developed by the North and West Northamptonshire Councils (formerly Northamptonshire County Council), and Integrated Care Northamptonshire (formerly the Northamptonshire Clinical Commissioning Group). It is founded on the principles that people with a learning disability want to lead ordinary lives and do the things that most people take for granted. 

The concept that people with a learning disability have the same rights and aspirations is the foundation upon which adult services are commissioned. In 2017, Northamptonshire County Council held engagement, involvement, and co-production sessions. People with learning disabilities, their families, and the people who support them were able to say what matters the most to them and what they want most in life.

The outcomes were arrived at through descriptions of experience called ‘I statements’. Unsurprisingly, they focus on a need to maintain ordinary life experiences, such as:

  • the importance of family and relationships,
  • of having somewhere to live that provides security and a sense of well-being,
  • of having some control and being supported with opportunities for improved lifestyles, better health, employment and training.

These were identified as being the outcomes that matter to people with a learning disability and their supporters in Northamptonshire:

  • People get the help they need, when they need it
  • People have, and hold on to, relationships that have meaning to them
  • People feel in control
  • People have equal access to healthcare, training and occupation
  • People feel safe, but are supported to take risks
  • People have somewhere to live they call home
  • People live longer
  • Family and supporters are able to continue caring.

Independence is not considered as meaning being without or free from support. All services should enable ordinary living and citizenship and should be there for the period they are required for. As an individual grows in confidence and ability, services should be able to ‘step away’ in a graduated, planned and safe away in order to allow that individual to flourish. All the framework providers are committed to working with people to support their progression so they can achieve their optimum level of independence.

Contingency plans and plans that describe the ‘in case of...’ should be known and understood by all. Safety nets are important in understanding and managing risk but also in reducing anxieties and in managing statutory responsibilities.

Types of Care and Support

There are eight different types of care arrangements on offer:

  1. Supported Living
  2. Supported Accommodation
  3. Opportunities for living and learning
  4. Short breaks
  5. Forensic Support
  6. Supporting people in their home
  7. Residential based living
  8. Short term intervention and crisis support

The following organisations are Learning Disability Framework providers for West Northamptonshire Council's Adult Social Services. They offer care and support for people with learning disabilities.

Northamptonshire also has additional services across each care and support sector, which are available for access privately or through Direct Payment options.

Contact Brokerage Services (via your social worker) for more information.

Contact Brokerage Services (via your social worker) for more information
  • Brackley Area
  • Daventry Area
  • Northampton Area
  • Towcester Area
  • West Northamptonshire
  • Northamptonshire
Additional languages
Translation and/or Interpreting Available on Request
Age range
Suitable for ages from 18 years to 25 years
Referral route
Professional Referral
For people with
Learning Disabilities
Eligibility criteria
  • Age Range - Adulthood
  • Special Educational Needs or a Disability (SEND)
Provider category
Specialist Services - For those who require longer-term support


c/o West Northamptonshire Council, One Angel Square, Angel Street
United Kingdom


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Last updated 19 February 2025