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Targeted SEND Funding

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Targeted SEND Funding project update

These initiatives are funded by the increase of £2.8m investment approved by West Northants Council. 

September 2022

The Local Authority (LA) established a SEND Funding Steering Group. This included representatives from educational settings (early years, mainstream schools, SEND units, further education colleges, and  independent learning providers) and the Parent Carers Forum Group. This group was supported by 3 sub-groups for early years, school age and further education to provide further sector specific insights 

The focus of the project team was on creating a funding framework whereby the LA can allocate funds to schools, colleges, units and early years settings in a more consistent and transparent way.

The scope of the project included children and young people with SEND, with and without EHC Plans, from 0 to 25,  in mainstream settings.

Consultations took place in September 2023 and May 2024. Strong support was given to the SEND principles, methodologies and funding levels. The LA provided regular updates on progress to the WNC Schools Forum. 

February 2024: 

Support was given to a 25% increase in the level of Targeted SEND Funding from the SEN Inclusion Fund for early years settings. This was formerly known as High Needs Funding. Support was also given to the recommended funding methodologies and funding levels for EHC Plans for children and young people in early years settings and mainstream schools and SEND units. Support was given for non-statutory Targeted SEND Funding for school age children and young people. 

April 2024 

New Early Years Targeted SEND funding implemented - supported by improved, co-produced, funding application forms. 

 July 2024

Support was given to the finalised funding methodologies and funding levels for EHC Plans for children and young people in early years settings and mainstream schools and SEND units. It was also given for finalised funding methodologies and funding levels for non-statutory, early intervention, Targeted SEND Funding for school age children and young people.  Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) : 

The LA have a legal obligation to provide a balanced DSG over time and this development will aid this. 

September 2024  

EHC Plan funding changes 

EHCP Funding Methodology and Funding Levels : 

The existing Resource Allocation System (RAS) currently used by Special Schools since 2017 will be expanded to include children and young people in early years settings, mainstream schools and SEND Units. The experience gained has been integrated into the broader roll out. 

This system uses the content of the EHC Plan, to calculate a RAS banding level and a banding value for all children and young people.  EHC team members facilitate this by the completion of a 'Needs Profile Form'. The form was co-produced by project team members and implemented in July 2023. To date, 4,000 have now been completed. For mainstream schools, this funding is referred to as Element 3 Funding or Top Up Funding and is in addition to the £6,000 SEN Notional Funding which is already allocated to schools per student.

Resource Allocation System

RAS Banding Values (to 31 March 2025) in early years settings, mainstream schools and SEND Units will be:

  • RAS Banding Level 1 =   £0
  • RAS Banding Level 2  =  £4,420
  • RAS Banding Level 3  = £4,951
  • RAS Banding Level 4 =  £5,429
  • RAS Banding Level 5 =  £6,809
  • RAS Banding Level 6 = £9,464
  • RAS Banding Level 7 = £12,542
  • RAS Banding Level 8 = £16,152
  • RAS Banding Level 9 = £20,081
  • RAS Banding Level 10 = £23,904

 Current Cohort : (2023/2024)

To assist the LA with the implementation of the changes, early years providers, mainstream schools and SEND Units are asked to keep the LA informed of any changes to their current cohort population and location within school so that the case management system is up to date. 

Special Arrangements: 

There are currently over 300 individually agreed special arrangements in place. From 1 September 2024, only those which meet the “exceptions criteria” will continue. These are being reviewed to identify those arrangements that meet the criteria and they will continue at their current funding levels. All others will end, but will be supported by the agreed payment protection.  

Exceptions Criteria:

  • SEND Tribunal outcome: if there are funding implications due to the tribunal decisions
  • Placement at Education providers which are out of scope of the EBT.  This includes:, Independent specialist/school providers and Specialist Post 16 Institutions (SPI)
  • Communication Support Worker to be employed due to: British Sign Language sign support of the curriculum Modification of curriculum into Braille Recent diagnosis with imminent loss of sight
  • Serious safeguarding/sexualised behaviour/perpetrator behaviour
  • Post-operative additional short-term support
  • History of malicious accusations against staff
  • High risk of significant/severe absconding (risk assessment in place)
  • Elective Home Education (EHE)
  • Educated Otherwise Than At School (EOTAS)
  • Other exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the Funding Panel

RAS Banding Level Appeals Process : 

The LA recognises that the needs of children and young people with SEND can change over time, and that RAS banding levels may also need to change to meet their changing needs. The existing RAS Banding Level Appeals Process has therefore been expanded to include children and young people within the current cohort of the early years setting or the mainstream school / SEND Unit. RAS banding level appeals for new starters can be made after they have been in the cohort for half an academic term. This allows the provider the time to gather the evidence and submit the appeal documentation. It is anticipated that appeals for new starters can be submitted from 25 October 2024. Education Providers who want to appeal a RAS band are asked to submit the completed 'RAS Evidence For Change Form' plus evidence, to the Education Funding Team [email protected]Details of this process and documentation have already been shared with early years settings via the Early Years Portal and with mainstream schools / SEND Units by the LSE Admin Team.

Payment Protection : 

The LA recognises that a transition period is needed for the changes to the EHCP funding and has provided payment protection for the 2024 / 2025, 2025 / 2026 and 2026 / 2027 financial years. Due to the mid-finanical year implementation of funding changes, and the delays caused by the Area Inspection by Ofsted and CQC, the LA has now brought forward an element of the budget allocated to support the education providers with payment protection.

This now means that 100% payment protection will now be implemented at  total early years setting / total school level for the 1 September 2024 to 31 March 2025 period. The payment protection level was originally set at 75% for this period. This means that providers can access the additional funding investment from 1 September, but will not lose EHCP funding at a holistic level during this period. The Education Funding Team will calculate the payment protection level over the summer, taking into consideration any changes to RAS banding levels due to successful appeals.

April 2025 / March 2026 payment protection is currently set at 50%April 2026 / March 2027 payment protection is currently set at 25%

EHCP Funding statements

The LA anticipate repeating the initiative of sharing updated EHCP Funding Statements to education providers in late September. This will include the new starters from the beginning of the month and will provide an update of the cohort at that time, their RAS banding level and RAS funding. Prior to this, the LA do not expect to have the resources available to provide any individual updates.

Targeted SEND Funding (Non-statutory) changes

Targeted SEND Funding Methodology and funding levels : (Education providers are asked to note that WNC Targeted SEND Funding is different to a similarly named Government initiative). 

From 1 September 2024 Targeted SEND Funding will be strongly aligned with the SEND Ranges. The implementation of the SEND Ranges by mainstream schools is a mandatory condition of the additional funding being invested by the LA.

From 1 September 2024 funding will be available to support SEND Ranges 4a, 4b, 5, 6 and 7. A request was made by WNC Schools Forum Members for the LA to provide support for SEND Range 3. Unfortunately this cannot be met at this time due to budget restrictions but will be kept under review. 

This new funding scale replaces the current funding which has a maximum level of £6,000. 

  • SEND Range 1 = £0
  • SEND Range 2 = £0
  • SEND Range 3 = £0
  • SEND Range 4a  =  Up to £4,000
  • SEND Range 4b  =  Up to £6,000
  • SEND Range 5   = Up to £8,000
  • SEND Range 6  =  Up to £8,000
  • SEND Range 7  =   Up to £8,000

 Existing applications

These will continue at the current level of funding for the duration of the approved period. Funding will not automatically change to the new higher or lower levels

New applications

To support the alignment with the SEND Ranges and the new funding scale, a new application form is being developed. This has been co-produced with the SEND Funding Project Mainstream Schools and Units Sub-Group. It is anticipated that this will be available from 1 September 2024.  Mainstream schools are invited to submit applications for the new levels of funding from September 2024

Two year time limit

Targeted SEND Funding is available to support early interventions for children and young people and is time-limited to 2 years. This equates to an initial year, plus a potential second year if required. The LA recognises that in a small number of cases, support for a third year may be considered, by exception.

Communication and Training

The LA recognises that the changes to the SEND funding methodologies and funding levels are complex and that support needs to be given to education providers over an extended period of time.

Regular updates will therefore be provided via multiple communication channels to education providers. This will include 

  • Direct emails via the Early Years Portal or from the LSE Administration Team
  • Early Years Connections articles Subscribe to the early years connections newsletter
  • WNC - Online form (
  • Head West articles (Subscribe to the Headwest newsletter) 
  • Early Years Networking Meetings and SENDCO Networking Meetings
  • Other relevant meetings

It is anticipated that training requirements will be identified from these communication sessions and specific training resources will be developed to meet these needs.

Further Education Funding

Changes to funding methodologies and funding levels for the Further Education sector have been moved to a later phase of the project with the planned implementation date of 1 August 2025.  

December 2024 Update 

Detailed information was shared with schools and settings via Head Teachers, SENCOs, Bursars and School Business Managers at the end of December 2024. 

Regular updates will continue to be provided via multiple communication channels to education providers. 

This will include: 

  • West Northamptonshire
  • Towcester Area
  • Northampton Area
  • Daventry Area
  • Brackley Area
Eligibility criteria
  • Age Range - Early Years
  • Age Range - School
  • Professionals/Staff
Provider category
  • Targeted Services - Additional Support Needs
  • Specialist Services - For those who require longer-term support

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Last updated 07 January 2025