Your local environment
Abandoned vehicles
Report an abandoned vehicle to ELVIS (End of Life Vehicle Impound Scheme)
Air Quality
Find out about Air Quality and local Air Quality management areas (AQMA)
Contaminated land
View the contaminated land strategy and register
Drains and sewers
In general the only drains that you are responsible for are the lengths of pipe within the boundary of your property that serve only your property
Environmental permits (PPC)
Certain industrial installations that have the potential to cause pollution are required to have a pollution permit before they operate
The Fireworks Act is in force to cut the stress, noise and nuisance fireworks can cause, and reduce injuries
Fixed penalty notices for environmental offences
We can issue Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) for environmental offences. If you have received one you can pay it here
High Hedges
You may be able to complain about a neighbours (high) hedge under Part 8 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003.
Light pollution
Information on light pollution and how to make a complaint
Neighbourhood Wardens
Find out about our Neighbourhood Wardens who help help reduce environmental crime
Noise pollution
Details on how to record and report noise pollution
Planning and noise guidance
Noise guidance for industrial or commercial developments
Radon is a radioactive gas that affects some parts of West Northamptonshire; find out how to reduce levels in your home
Smell / odour pollution
Information on odours and making a complaint
Smoke pollution
Find out what constitutes smoke pollution, how to avoid it and how to report it
Japanese knotweed and other invasive plants
How to report Japanese knotweed or other invasive plants
Animals, dogs and pests
Animal licensing
Find out how to apply for animal welfare licenses, fees, ratings and rescore requests
Stray and lost dogs
Warden services including dealing with stray dogs
Pest Control
Information and advice on pests and our pest control services
Dog control
Changes to the Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) in 2022 include new rules about dog control
Dog fouling
Report dog fouling in your local area
Public health
Food complaints
Let us know if you have any concerns about the hygiene of a food establishment
Public health funerals
We have a duty to arrange the funeral for a person who has died in our area where no suitable arrangements have been made
Water quality and safety
Who is responsible for the quality of your water
Report food poisoning
What to do if you are suffering from food poisoning