Business support in libraries
- Business support in libraries
- Business workshops, seminars and webinars
- One-to-one business advice sessions
- Build Your Business in West Northamptonshire
Build Your Business in West Northamptonshire
Build Your Business supports small businesses, entrepreneurs and anyone thinking of starting their own business.
If you already run a small business or want to start your own business, Build Your Business can support you with:
- 1:1s
- webinars
- workshops
- access to specialist business databases
- networking
Training and support
The programme is completely flexible so your business can access as much support as you need, tailored to you.
It includes:
- weekly business support drop-ins in Brixworth and Towcester Libraries
- booking workshops and webinars through Eventbrite
- booking a 1:1 in Northamptonshire Central Library, Brixworth and Towcester Libraries, or online
Choose workshops and webinars covering the key areas of running a business including:
- marketing, branding, customers
- business planning and business growth
- financial planning including budgeting and cashflow
- mental health and wellbeing for business owners
Start-ups grants of £2,000, for businesses under one year old, will be announced soon.
This project is part-funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.
The UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) proactively supports delivery of the UK-government’s five national missions: pushing power out to communities everywhere, with a specific focus to help kickstart economic growth and promoting opportunities in all parts of the UK.
Last updated 19 March 2025