Neighbourhood plans
- Neighbourhood plans
- Preparing a neighbourhood development plan
- Neighbourhood planning activity in West Northamptonshire
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Neighbourhood planning activity in West Northamptonshire
There are 165 town and parish councils in West Northamptonshire, many of which are involved at the various stages of producing a neighbourhood development plan (NDP). For further information about which NDPs are at each stage can be found below.
The neighbourhood area maps show plans at area designation, draft, submission, made and reviewed stages. They can be downloaded below:
West Northamptonshire Council (or the former sovereign councils of Daventry District, Northampton Borough or South Northamptonshire) has designated the following neighbourhood areas for the purpose of producing a neighbourhood plan. The Qualifying Body has not yet prepared a plan at the Pre-submission stage for these areas.
Details of progress on these plans can be obtained by visiting the websites of the relevant town and parish councils.
Copies of designation documents, including larger scale maps can be requested from the Planning Policy team.
This stage is also known as ‘the Regulation 14 stage’ and involves the town and parish councils consulting on plan proposals.
Plans listed here are at pre-submission consultation stage. Details of progress on these plans can be obtained by clicking on the names below which will take you to the websites of the relevant parish and town councils.
This stage is also known as ‘the Regulation 16 stage’ and follows submission of the draft NDP and supporting documents to us, who are responsible for organising the consultation.
Plans listed here are at Regulation 16 consultation stage. Listed are details of the consultation, including the relevant documents, where you can view hard copies and information about how to comment.
Data protection policy
Any personal information you provide will be held and processed in accordance with the obligations and principles of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018 and in accordance with our Privacy Policy and Data Protection Notification with the Information Commissioner’s Office (No. ZA896620).
Please note that representations cannot be made anonymously. Representations will be published on our website, but address and contact details will be removed. The information you provide will only be used for this consultation, and, with your permission, to advise you of our decision to make the neighbourhood plan. See the privacy notice for the Planning Policy Team.
Neighbourhood development plans (NDPs) listed here are at examination.
Here you can find details of the examination, including the name of the examiner, representations received to the Regulation 16 consultation, examination documents and examiner’s report.
Semilong and Trinity Neighbourhood Plan
Independent Examiner’s Report
Ann Skippers, BSc (Hons), Dip Mgmt (Open), PGC (TLHE) (Open), MRTPI, FHEA, FRSA, AoU issued her report on the submitted Semilong and Trinity Neighbourhood Plan on 3 March 2025.
The Examiner has concluded that, subject to modifications set out in their report, the plan meets the basic conditions.
They have also concluded that the plan has been prepared and submitted by a Qualifying Body, has been prepared for an area properly designated and specifies the plan period from 2023 to 2038.
The Examiner has recommended that the plan, once modified, can proceed to referendum, on the basis that it has met all the relevant legal requirements.
The Examiner issued the following documents during the examination
The Examiner has issued a clarification note, and the Qualifying Body subsequently issued a response:
Semilong and Trinity Neighbourhood Plan (Submission version)
The Semilong and Trinity Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 16 consultation closed at midnight on Sunday 1 December 2024.
The following consultation documents were submitted:
The responses received during the consultation period are shown below:
Data protection policy
Any personal information you provide will be held and processed in accordance with the obligations and principles of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018 and in accordance with our Privacy Policy and Data Protection Notification with the Information Commissioner’s Office (No. ZA896620).
Please note that representations cannot be made anonymously. Representations will be published on our website, but address and contact details will be removed. The information you provide will only be used for this consultation, and, with your permission, to advise you of our decision to make the neighbourhood plan. See the privacy notice for the Planning Policy Team.
Neighbourhood development plans (NDPs) listed here are at referendum.
We have made a decision on the independent examiner’s report and agreed that they should proceed to referendum. We are responsible for organising and running the referendum which will be open to all eligible voters in the referendum area, which is usually the same as the neighbourhood area.
Here you can find details of the referendum and the associated relevant documentation. The results of referendum will be shown once the referendum has taken place.
Barby and Onley Review Neighbourhood Plan
At its meeting of Planning Policy Committee on 26 February 2025, West Northamptonshire Council agreed that the Barby and Onley Neighbourhood Plan Review, as modified by the examiner’s recommendations, should proceed to referendum. The referendum will be held on 1 May 2025.
The question which will be asked is:
“Do you want West Northamptonshire Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan Review for Barby and Onley to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?”
In accordance with the Regulations, we have published a Neighbourhood Plan Information Statement to support the referendum.
The specified documents referred to in the Information Statement are set out below:
The responses received during the consultation period are shown below:
Neighbourhood development plans (NDPs) listed here have been “made” or adopted by us. The list includes NDPs that have been reviewed.
A copy of the made (adopted) NDPs can be downloaded below. Individual decision notices can be requested from the Planning Policy Team.
The date is when the NDP or review NDP was made.
Contact details
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0300 126 7000
Last updated 14 March 2025