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Daventry residents feedback leads to removal of Eastern Way housing proposals

28 February 2025

Green field, cloudy blue and yellow sky

The future regeneration of Daventry town centre will not include plans for new housing on Eastern Way playing field in response to valuable feedback from residents.

West Northamptonshire Council (WNC) is currently shaping the new Daventry Masterplan, which aims to reinvent the market town experience and boost economic growth and quality of life.

Public consultation last summer showed residents were widely supportive of the Masterplan, however proposals to put housing on part of the playing field – as enabling development to help fund other redevelopment work – were met with opposition by a number of residents who regularly use the site as a recreation ground.

Having listened to these concerns, WNC has decided to remove the Eastern Way scheme from the Masterplan before it is finalised later this year.

Other proposals set to move forward within the plan include:

  • Turning Market Square into a flexible events space, which could also be used as a market space
  • Creating a new destination play park and café at New Street RecOpening up the High Street entrance to the Arc Cinema, creating a new Mulberry Square
  • Making High Street a shared surface street, with more seating and planting
  • Enhancing Sheaf Street with better lighting, seating and public art
  • Exploring opportunities to modernise retail units, to meet 21st century demands.

WNC is also planning to work more closely with partners in shaping the future of Daventry, with plans to set up a new Towns Board later this year – a body that will bring together organisations and businesses from across the town to drive forward the Masterplan regeneration, economic growth and investment.

“Having listened to the feedback we’ve received from Daventry residents, Eastern Way is a cherished recreational space and residents do not want to see new housing on the site.

“Whilst the proposal was originally made with good intentions to address housing need and enable the funding of other elements of the Masterplan, it’s clearly not the right fit for the town. We will explore other ways to help secure the investment needed to regenerate the town centre in a sustainable way that respects the needs and aspirations of the community.”

“The regeneration of Daventry must be a shared approach with the opportunity for everyone’s involvement in shaping future proposals, reflecting our vision for all partners to work more closely together on the One West Northamptonshire Journey.”
Councillor Dan Lister, WNC’s Cabinet Member for Local Economy, Culture and Leisure
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