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Draft taxi and private hire policy goes to committee next week

04 January 2024

Line of taxis

Members of West Northamptonshire Council’s (WNC) Taxi and General Licensing Committee will next week consider whether to approve a new draft policy designed to protect taxi and private hire passengers.

The draft policy’s key aim is to ensure that drivers and vehicles meet high standards in protecting the public and providing a quality service. It has been through extensive consultation in recent months with many opportunities for the everyone, including the industry, to submit comments.

The policies are also there to protect the reputation of the industry, ensuring passengers can be confident that they will always have a positive experience. To do this part of the new approach is a points scheme which will allow for more consistent enforcement.

The document has been drafted in line with Government and Institute of Licensing guidance and is similar to those of all our neighbouring authorities.

We’ve considered all views, including those of the trade and unions, in compiling what we believe is a robust policy which will help to ensure passengers are appropriately protected and the high quality of service maintained.

We’re conscious that some members of the trade are unhappy with elements of the policy, and we acknowledge this, though public safety must remain our primary concern.

Those drivers who operate a safe and well-maintained vehicle, keep a high standard of cleanliness, do not drive in a reckless fashion, so providing a positive experience for passengers will see no difference.

Working with the industry we have recently introduced taxi marshals in Northampton which will also help promote safety for both the public and drivers.
Cllr David Smith, Cabinet Member for Community Safety, Engagement and Regulatory Services

The Council will continue to engage and work with the taxi and private hire industry to help maintain the reputation of the trade in providing a safe means of public transport in the area.

If approved, the policy will be a living document and will be under constant review to ensure it remains fit for purpose.

The committee is set to meet at The Guildhall next Tuesday (9 January) and full details of the policy, including all consultation responses can be viewed on our website.

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