Have your say on Sexual Health Services in Northamptonshire
Health and wellbeing15 May 2023

North Northamptonshire Council and West Northamptonshire Council Public Health teams are looking for your views and input to help us shape sexual health services in Northamptonshire i.e. contraception, STI screening, condom distribution scheme and EHC.
We appreciate sexual health is a very personal matter so we would like to reassure you that your responses will be part of a report with many other people’s feedback, so you will not be personally identified. Any feedback you choose to give which may identify you will be anonymised in our analysis reports.
If you live, work or study in Northamptonshire please do fill in our survey to help us better understand your experiences, concerns and perceptions of sexual health and services in your local area.
This survey will help us understand:
- The emerging and current needs of residents
- Residents experience of accessing sexual health, HIV, contraception, and reproductive health services
- Which communities, if any, need additional support and consideration
- How to improve services and sexual health
- We are keen to know what is working well and what we can improve to help shape the future sexual health strategy and commissioning of sexual health services in Northamptonshire
We keep all this information secure, and the data will be shared with the people who run and make decisions on Sexual Health services.
There are services and clinics in Northamptonshire that offer sexual health advice, contraception, and support as well as other services to young people (under the age of 25), therefore the teams are also asking those who are over 13 years old to also take part in the survey if appropriate, with consent from a responsible adult/parent.
The survey closed at midnight Sunday 11 June 2023.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected].