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Local elections to be held in May

14 March 2025


On Thursday, 1 May voters across West Northamptonshire will go to the polls to elect their local representatives.

A Notice of Election for West Northamptonshire Council and all Parish/Town Council seats has been published today (Friday, 14 March) and potential candidates will have until 4pm on Wednesday, 2 April to submit their nomination papers.

Voters will go to the polls to elect West Northamptonshire Council’s councillors in the unitary authority’s second election since its creation in 2021. This year’s Polling Day on Thursday 1 May will see changes to voter arrangements after a recent electoral review reduced the number of West Northants councillors to be elected from 93 to 76 and redrew the ward boundaries across the area.

Town and parish council elections are also set to be held in some areas of West Northamptonshire on 1 May.  

Whether voting in person at a polling station, by post or by proxy (on someone’s behalf), there are some key deadlines to be aware of. If you have not registered to vote yet, the deadline to do so is Friday 11 April. It is a quick and easy process that takes just five minutes online.

If you have recently moved home or changed your name, you may need to update your details to ensure you can take part. Register online to vote

For those who prefer to vote by post, applications need to be submitted by 5pm on Monday, 14 April. Voting by post is a great option if you will be away on election day or if you would rather not visit a polling station in person. Your postal vote will be sent to you in advance, so you can fill it in and return it at your convenience.  This is also the deadline to make amendments or cancel your postal vote.  

If you would like someone to vote on your behalf, known as a proxy vote, the deadline to apply is 5pm on Wednesday, 23 April.  If your proxy would like to vote by post, both the proxy and postal application must be received by 5pm on Monday, 14 April.

One of the biggest changes recently introduced is the requirement for photo ID when voting in person. If you do not have an accepted form of ID, such as a passport or driving licence, you can apply for a free Voter Authority Certificate. The deadline to apply for this is 5pm on Wednesday, 23 April. Without the correct ID, you will not be able to vote at your polling station, so make sure you are prepared.

 For more information and to view the timetable of the election visit  our website

The Notice of Election marks the start of the pre-election period (previously known as purdah) for West Northamptonshire Council.

This is the period of heightened sensitivity in the run-up to polling day when specific restrictions are in place for the Council’s publicity and use of resources.

Find out more about the pre-election period for local authorities. 

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