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Proposals for New Health and Wellbeing Surgery in Moulton take a step forward

07 February 2025

Representatives from West Northamptonshire Council, Moulton GP surgery and Moulton Parish Council stood outside smiling at the camera.

Developments are in progress as proposals for a new Health and Wellbeing Surgery in Moulton take a step forward. This new facility would enable the expansion of the established GP practice into larger premises, along with additional supporting medical services, to cater to the growing needs of the local community.

Work to develop the proposals is being led by the Integrated Care Board, working closely with the GP practice and Moulton Parish Council and West Northamptonshire Council.

The Integrated Care Board (ICB) has undertaken a review exercise across all practices, including a full stock condition survey, the practice space, patient lists, planned housing and population growth, and state of repair. This has formed the basis of their priority plan for works, expansion, or builds for surgeries over the next five years.

"We hope that this is the first of several projects on which the Council can work with the Health authorities and local GPs to provide improved primary care services.

"We recognise that particularly in high growth areas residents feel a sense of frustration at the lack of adequate facilities, and few facilities are as important as a high-quality GP practice.

"I am grateful to the ICB for their assistance and to ward Councillors in Moulton for their years of tireless work to see this over the line."
Cllr Adam Brown, Leader of West Northamptonshire Council
"The joint vision with Moulton Parish Council and the doctors at Moulton Surgery, for this project began 13 years ago. It has taken a lot of hard work to get to the point where the NHS Integrated Care Board will be working with us to develop the plans to deliver this vital facility.

"I am indebted to Cllr Malcolm Longley, Cabinet Member for Finance who enabled our vision and our idea to become reality.

"The fantastic team of GPs at the current surgery in Moulton needed to expand years ago to cope with the increased population, and West Northamptonshire Council will now be able to build a fit for purpose health and wellbeing surgery that will fulfil the needs of our community for years to come.”
Cllr Mike Warren, ward member for Moulton

The next stage will be for the ICB to work with the practice and relevant local partners to develop more detailed plans for the site and then explore capital funding routes, including use of Section 106 developer funding contributions from local housing schemes.  This next phase of work will need to demonstrate that an appropriate new build scheme can be brought forward in a way that ensures value for money.

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