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View and comment on a planning application

Before you begin you will need to know one or both of the following:

  • the planning application number
  • address of the development

This information can usually be found on press notices, neighbour notification letters or site notices erected at the development site.

As well as applications that are currently being determined, you can view details of historic planning applications, property history and planning appeals. For details of enforcement notices, please see Planning enforcement.

You can find planning applications in the West Northamptonshire area by using our mapping software:


You may also inspect the electronic versions of applications, plans and other documents submitted with it at our offices during working hours:

  • One Stop Shop, The Guildhall, St Giles Square, Northampton NN1 1DE
  • The Forum, Moat Lane, Towcester, NN12 6AD

Planning applications are now all digital and we are unable to reproduce as paper files for viewing.

Staff will be available to provide assistance in viewing planning applications on the display screens at our offices.

Weekly lists of recently received and decided planning applications are available to view:

To comment on an application on the online planning register: 

  • find the applicable planning application following the instructions to view a planning application (see above)
  • once you have found the application, click on the Comment(s) button 
  • enter the required details and your comments on the application

To guarantee that your comments are considered, we need to receive them before the deadline set out in the notification letter, site notice or press advertisement. These documents can be viewed by finding the application on the planning register and clicking on the Documents tab.

We will still consider comments received after this deadline, provided that the decision has not already been taken.

We do not enter into individual correspondence about representations on applications. We take account of your comments as part of the process of assessing the application.

The report prepared to inform the decision-making process (whether for Committee decisions or an officer delegated decision) summarises all the representations and assesses the issues raised in the context of relevant planning policies. The report can be viewed on the Planning Applications Register once prepared and we will inform you in writing of the decision reached.

Where appropriate we will seek changes to the planning application to overcome concerns. If changes are made to the application, we may consult you again. In all cases we will let you know the decision.

You may comment on material planning considerations and relevant facts pertinent to a planning application. Some examples of material planning considerations and issues that may be taken into account include:

  • the environmental impact of the development
  • the impact of the development on the highway network
  • any policy in the Council’s Local Development Framework, or the relevant Local Plan for your area
  • central and regional Government planning policy guidance, circulars, orders and statutory instruments
  • planning laws and previous decisions
  • noise, disturbance, smells
  • residential amenity
  • design, appearance and layout
  • impact on trees, listed buildings and conservation areas
  • public open space

Issues that will not be taken into account include:

  • boundary disputes
  • private rights of way, private covenants or agreements
  • the applicant’s conduct, private affairs or how a business is run
  • the applicant’s motives (including profit)
  • the impact on property values
  • suspected further development
  • loss of views over other people’s land
  • land ownership

Comments are recorded on the application and considered by Planning Officers. If the application goes to the Planning Committee we will pass them on. Please note defamatory or racist comments could leave you open to legal action and will be disregarded by us.

We do not enter into individual correspondence about representations on applications. We take account of your comments as part of the process of assessing the application.

Where appropriate we will seek changes to the planning application to overcome concerns. If changes are made to the application, we may consult you again. In all cases we will let you know the decision.

Comments on applications within West Northamptonshire are published online and available for the public to view.

In accordance with the Planning privacy policy, all personal and sensitive information is redacted (such as names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses and signatures). As comments need to be redacted before they are published, there will be a delay between the submission of your comment and it appearing on the website.

We were unable to offer this service prior to 24 January 2022. If you require copies of comments submitted before this date, on applications that are still to be determined, please request these in writing by email to [email protected]. Please make sure you quote the application number and site address so that we can find the correct application.

We are unable to share comments not previously published after a Decision Notice has been issued.

We aim to deal with these requests within 20 working days. However, should there be a high volume of comments on the requested application, a bespoke timescale to respond will be given.

If an appeal is made against a refusal of consent/planning permission for householder development, minor commercial development or advertisement consent, it will be dealt with based on representations in writing. 

Any representations that were made about this application will be sent to the Secretary of State. There will be no further opportunity to comment at the appeal stage.

Plans and documents that can be viewed on each planning register are protected by copyright law. It is provided only as a source of information about the planning applications submitted. 

Its provision does not give you the right to use that material in a way that breaches the copyright in that material. For instance, it does not give you the right to publish, copy or use it for commercial or other purposes without prior permission of the copyright owner. 

This does not restrict your rights under the fair dealing provisions of sections 29 and 30 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

Last updated 03 March 2025