I am a parent or carer looking for information about...
Early years and childcare
Find and get help paying for childcare
Finding a school
Search by name or postcode for a school in Northamptonshire
Term dates
Term dates, training days and holidays for Northamptonshire schools and academies
School closures
How to check if your school is closed
School admissions and appeals
When and how to apply for or appeal a school place for your child
Children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)
See West Northamptonshire's Local Offer and find out about education, health and care plans, specialist SEND support and what schools can offer
Attendance support
Advice and information for parents about managing their children's education
Help with the cost of going to school
Find information about school travel assistance, free school meals and pupil premium, and school uniform grants
Physical, emotional and mental health support for children
Find a range of physical, emotional and and mental health support available for your child
Guidance for parents and guardians of previously looked after-children (PLAC)
An overview of educational information and advice offered by the Virtual School to parents and guardians of previously looked after-children
Complaints about schools or academies
Guidance on how to deal with complaints
Getting your child into education
How the education system works in England, and how to apply for a school place
I am a professional looking for information about...
Support for childcare providers
Find funding and registration information, advice and support for childcare providers
Educational Psychology Service
Support services for schools, young people and professionals
Supporting children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)
SEND support information for schools and professionals
Virtual School
Supporting the education of children in care and previously in care
Attendance and behaviour support for schools
Advice and guidance for schools on dealing with attendance and behaviour issues with students
Information and governance for schools
Find information and advice on what to do to if there is an emergency at school, planning a school closure and information about the school census
Governors and clerks
Support and resources for school governors and clerks, how to apply to become a governor or find a governor
Schools library service
Learning Resources for Education (LRE) is Northamptonshire’s schools library service
Educational visits
Policies and training advice for educational visits outside the classroom
Guidance on extending the admission age range
The Change of Age Range process for Maintained (Community) Schools
Religious education
Information for schools staff about the religious education agreed syllabus in schools and the Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE)
Targeted Mental Health in Schools (TaMHS)
A programme for building capacity within schools through training and support to better meet the mental health needs of all children
Suicide prevention support
A postvention suicide support protocol and guidance for school communities
How schools support children with medical needs
How to ensure a good education for children who cannot attend school because of health needs
Safeguarding in Education Service
Guidance on a range of topics, as well as procedures and model policies for schools, academies, educational settings and Local Authority services
Northamptonshire baby room project
We promote early intervention at a pivotal point in life with lasting positive effects including quality loving interactions with babies