Search results
Licensing and regulation
List of responsible authorities for licensingResponsible authorities for a premises licence
Falling behind with payments
Getting help with Council TaxSetting up an arrangement, reducing your bill and getting support with debts
Building control
Street naming, nameplates and numberingHow to apply for street naming, nameplates and property numbering
Roads and paths maintenance
Damage and personal injury claimsInformation for prospective claimants if defects on a highway have caused vehicular or personal damage
Electoral services
Petitions for a referendumInformation on the number of local government electors required to petition the council to hold a referendum
Local Offer
Disabled Children's RegisterFind out how you can register your child for the Disabled Children's Register, and sign up for our West SEND newsletter
Electoral services
Election resultsSee results from recent elections, including the 2024 General Election
Education, Health and Care (EHC) plans, process and assessment
Education, health and care (EHC) planAn EHC plan identifies a child's special educational needs, together with health and social care provision when these services are involved