Search results
Rights of way and searches
Highway local searchesRequest public highways information relating to a property
Minerals and waste planning applications
Minerals and waste search enquiriesWe can provide information relating to minerals and waste development, and associated planning applications, in the vicinity of a specified property
Building control
Local land chargesLocal searches inform potential purchasers about essential information that a local authority might hold about a property
Finding a home
How to inform us of a change in circumstancesHow to notify us of any changes to your housing application
Tell Us Once serviceThe Tell Us Once service allows you to easily inform all relevant central and local government departments about the person who has died
Northamptonshire Archives Service
Archive collectionsWe hold a wealth of fascinating detail of the lives of the people and places in Northamptonshire and beyond - search our online archive catalogue
Designated heritage assets
Scheduled monumentsSearch for nationally important archaeological sites within West Northamptonshire
Tree and hedgerow protection
Apply for or notify us about tree worksHow to apply for consent or notify us about works to a TPO or tree in a Conservation Area