Community and voluntary organisations directory
Find a wide range of local community groups, services and organisations across West Northamptonshire.
Community centres
Find a community centre near you
Community Forums
Find out about the various Community Forums at West Northamptonshire Council
Welcoming Spaces
Where to find Welcoming Spaces in West Northamptonshire
Chatty Café Scheme
The Chatty Café Scheme offers face to face meet ups where customers can get together and chat
Good Neighbours Scheme
Good Neighbours Schemes are established and run by local people to provide day-to-day support for other residents
Refugee and asylum resettlement
Information and advice for refugees, asylum seekers, British Nationals Overseas and people in the community who can offer support
Cleaner communities
Report an issue such as dog fouling, fly-tipping, graffiti or litter
Major parks
Visit West Northamptonshire's beautiful major parks to experience the great outdoors on your doorstep
Calendar of community engagement events
Keep up-to-date with what's going on in West Northamptonshire and join in with your community
Moving into West Northamptonshire
Find support and advice for moving to West Northamptonshire
West and North Northamptonshire Event Safety Partnership
West and North Northamptonshire Event Safety Partnership (ESP) offers advice to event organisers and local Safety Advisory Groups (SAGs)