Report a litter or grounds maintenance issue
You can report various litter, street cleaning or ground maintenance issues in your local area online:

Our WNC App has also been updated with the Report It feature. Now you can easily let us know when you’ve spotted fly-tipping using your phone. You can download the app for free through Google Play or the Apple Store.
Find out more below about the different types of issues you can report.
The cleaning of West Northamptonshire is important to our residents, visitors and businesses.
Our aim is to:
- clean the town centres and busy shopping areas to a high standard frequently to ensure a clean environment at all times
- clean streets in residential areas on a rotational schedule
- remove dead animals, drug paraphernalia, broken glass, and offensive graffiti from streets and open spaces as soon as operationally possible
Report an area for cleaning
If any public area is badly littered, or if you see any fly tipping or bins overflowing, please tell us about it. You can report a variety of problems, quickly and easily using our online forms with the button above.
Clearance of leaves
We carry out leaf removal across West Northants Council owned land and adopted highways on a schedule, which usually runs between November and January.
To ensure we are able to visit all areas, please allow us time to complete their schedule before reporting leaves for removal.
You can report an area that has been missed after this time using the form linked at the top of this page. Do not report tree issues on this form.
Hedge pruning
Hedge and shrubbery pruning takes place on a rotational schedule across the West Northamptonshire area in the autumn and winter, once the grass cutting service has stopped.
The only work carried out during the spring and summer is anything identified as a health and safety issue. This is due to DEFRA guidelines on nesting birds, which prohibit our contractor doing any work which may disturb them during this period.
Health and safety issues include:
- obstruction of a footpath or highway
- obstruction of doors, windows, or emergency exit
Each report is reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Any work not identified as a health and safety issue will be added to the winter maintenance schedule.
Grass cutting
Grass cutting takes place on a rotational schedule across the West Northamptonshire area during the spring and summer months, after hedge and shrubbery pruning has stopped. No grass cutting takes place during the autumn and winter, except sport pitches.
Due to climatic conditions, the grass grows at a very accelerated rate at:
- the beginning of the year (March/April) - sunshine followed by prolonged rain and the winter climate
- the end of the year (August/September) - rain followed by prolonged sunshine
This promotes and stimulates the accelerated growth which is driven each year by the climatic conditions. Depending on any variants to the weather, this will in turn impact and vary grass growth.
In general, the first flush or accelerated growth is not particularly noticeable. This is due to the grass growing in winter ground conditions. However, this may be more noticeable at times if we have wetter conditions into May followed by warm dry weather.
Our method of mowing is a cut and drop process. Our contractor maintains a vast amount of verges, parks and open spaces and it is not feasible to collect all cuttings. The industrial machinery which is used is not equipped to collect cuttings like a domestic mower.
By leaving cuttings behind, we give them the chance to decompose, releasing water and nutrients back into the soil. This helps grass grow greener, healthier, and thicker.
Maintaining parks, gardens and public open space
We, alongside our contractors and partners, are responsible for the general management and day-to-day maintenance of the councils parks and gardens.
We have a dedicated team of staff who pride themselves on delivering a high standard of maintenance such as:
- grass areas
- litter collection
- flower and shrub beds
- hedges
- playgrounds
- outdoor sports facilities
Some areas of public open space may be managed and operated by partners such as Town and Parish Councils. Please use the report it forms below to report any service requests.
See Trolleywise if you wish to report an abandoned shopping trolley.
Last updated 03 February 2025