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Two parents and a young child sit in a kitchen smiling and sharing food
Children and families

Toddlers and pre-school

Find childcare and support services with our Families Information Service (FIS) directory

Find childcare providers, activities for under 5s and how to apply for a school place for your child

More services and resources

A woman reads to a child in a library

Nurseries and childminders: Find a childcare provider

Search for registered childcare and early education providers by postcode or name of setting and find Ofsted reports.

A child being treated by a nurse

Health Visitors

Health Visiting teams provide health support to families from pregnancy until children are 5 years old. This includes infant feeding, healthy lifestyles and intensive support for young parents.

A girl smiles while lying on a bed

Resources and advice

The BBC Tiny Happy People website has lots of resources and advice for parents of under 5s - you can also learn about your child's brain development and how they come to understand the world