Find childcare providers, activities for under 5s and how to apply for a school place for your child
Childcare and support
Activities for pre-school children
Find and book Strong Start sessions including baby massage, and discover events for parents and carers of under 5s in your local area
Get help paying for childcare
Find out what you are eligible to claim and how
Children's Centres
Children's Centre services in Northamptonshire offer a range of support to families of children from birth to 5 years old
Preparing for school years
Getting your child into education
How the education system works in England, and how to apply for a school place
When to apply for a primary school place
In Northamptonshire, children are eligible to start school (in reception year) in the September following their 4th birthday
Finding a school
Search by name or postcode for a school in Northamptonshire
Help with the cost of going to school
Find information about school travel assistance, free school meals and pupil premium, and school uniform grants