Tree and Woods Strategy
View our strategy which aims to double our average canopy cover by 2045
Trees in a Conservation Area (TCA)
Information about trees in a Conservation Area
Tree Preservation Orders (TPO)
Find out about Tree Preservation Orders (TPO)
Find out if a tree is protected
Find out if a tree has a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) or is otherwise protected
Apply for or notify us about tree works
How to apply for consent or notify us about works to a TPO or tree in a Conservation Area
Tree Felling and Felling Licences
The felling of trees which are not subject to permissions, approvals or consents from us may still require a Felling Licence from the Forestry Commission
Hedgerows and their protection
How to apply for a licence to remove a hedgerow in the open countryside; it is an offence to remove a hedgerow without permission
High Hedges
You may be able to complain about a neighbours (high) hedge under Part 8 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003.
Report an overgrown roadside tree/hedge
How to report an overgrown tree or hedge
Trees - Frequently asked questions
The most commonly asked questions about trees answered, from pruning encroaching vegetation to right to light to insurance claims