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Trade union facility time

The Trade Union (Facility Time Publication Requirements) Regulations 2017 came into force on 1 April 2017. The regulations require relevant public sector employers to collect and publish, by 31 July on an annual basis, a range of data in relation to their usage and spend of trade union facility time in respect of their employees who are trade union representatives.

Facility Time is the provision of paid and unpaid time off from an employee’s normal role to undertake trade union duties and activities as a trade union representative. There is a statutory entitlement to reasonable paid time off for undertaking union duties (such as collective consultation or negotiation meetings, accompanying members at disciplinary or grievance meetings, Health and Safety / Learning representative duties and training). There is no such entitlement to paid time off for undertaking activities (such as union branch meetings or conferences).

West Northamptonshire Council Facility Time Publication for 2023/24

Central Function Employees

1. Relevant Union Officials 
Number of employees who were relevant union officials from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024 during the relevant period
2. Percentage of time spent on facility time 
Number of employees who were Trade Union representative officials employed during the relevant period spent 0%, 1%-50%, 51%-99% or 100% of their working hours on facility time.
Percentage of timeNumber of employees
3. Percentage of pay bill spent on facility time 
The percentage of the total pay bill spent on paying employees who were Trade Union representatives for facility time during the relevant period.
Total cost of facility time£197,016.33
Total pay bill£123,726,945.92
Percentage of the total pay bill spent on facility time0.159%
4. Paid Trade Union activities Proportion of paid facility time spent on paid trade union activities.
Time spent on paid TU activities as a percentage of total paid facility time hours0%

Education Function Employees

1. Relevant Union Officials 
Number of employees who were relevant union officials from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024 during the relevant period
2. Percentage of time spent on facility time 
Number of employees who were Trade Union representative officials employed during the relevant period spent 0%, 1%-50%, 51%-99% or 100% of their working hours on facility time.
Percentage of timeNumber of employees
3. Percentage of pay bill spent on facility time 
The percentage of the total pay bill spent on paying employees who were Trade Union representatives for facility time during the relevant period.
Total cost of facility time0
Total pay bill0
Percentage of the total pay bill spent on facility time0
4.  Paid Trade Union activities Proportion of paid facility time spent on paid trade union activities.
Time spent on paid TU activities as a percentage of total paid facility time hours0%

Last updated 11 July 2024