Robust resource management
We will set a council tax rate that is both fair and which allows us to deliver the public services people deserve. Residents Council Tax bills will not rise by more than £99 in any year (for a band D property).
We will seek to build reserves to create a stable financial set up that protects residents whatever the financial climate. Our financial prudence will make us confident in our long term decision making.
We will ensure that we achieve value for money from every pound we spend of tax payers’ money.
We will optimise Council Tax and other debt collection ensuring that everyone contributes at a level that’s appropriate for their circumstances. Debt will be managed sympathetically and we will develop an anti-poverty strategy that balances supporting those that cannot support themselves to access advice and help, but makes sure that those that can and should pay, do so.
Working with partners in 5 years we will:
- have sustainable finances
- maintain strong and prudent financial management
- have a clear and robust process for all investment decisions showing clear rationale, return and funding
- secure external funding and access all relevant grants to support our growth and plans
What success will look like:
- by the end of the first term we will have a reserve that would sustain a Council in an emergency for many months
- improved collection rates and reduced debt
- we have an anti-poverty strategy in place
Last updated 28 February 2024