Honorary Aldermen
Alderman Mary-Anne Sergison-Brooke

Mary-Anne Sergison-Brooke served as a Councillor at the former South Northamptonshire Council for almost forty years.
As Chairman of the Housing Committee, she played a major role in transferring the Council’s housing stock to the Grand Union Housing Association. The reason was that they had the money, which the Council did not, to modernise and improve the houses for the benefit of the tenants.
She was a member of the Planning Committee for many years and supported the Housing Design Code for South Northamptonshire Council which has led to this area having the best-looking houses in the county.
She was Chairman of Chipping Warden Primary School when it attained outstanding ratings from Ofsted. She, unsuccessfully, opposed HS2.
She is still a Trustee of the Lady Blakenham Charity Trust which distributes money to various good causes and is a member of the PPC for Edgcote Church.
Last updated 24 January 2025