Information for young people (Easy Read)
Community inclusion (Easy Read)

Friends and neighbours are your community.
Your friends can be people you knew at school.
Have plans to stay in touch when you leave school or college.

It is easy to stay in touch online.
It is fun to meet people face to face.
It is good to make new friends and meet people who like the same things you do.

Young people said they wanted to have lists of places to go and things to do.
The Local Offer has links to lots of activities.
Some ideas include:
- Sports and football
- Phab
- Mencap
- Enfold
- Performing Arts
You may have to pay to go to these clubs.

You can also go to the theatres or cinemas in West Northamptonshire.
If you like to sing you can join a community or church choir in your area.

Volunteering is where you offer your time to help others.
It is a good way to be part of your community and help your neighbours.
One place you could volunteer is your local Park Run.
You can learn lots from volunteering.
You can volunteer for all sorts of activities, like working in our country parks and town parks.
Last updated 10 June 2024