Local Offer guides
About the Local Offer
What to expect on the Local Offer and how it can help you to find the information you need
Information for parents
Parents explained what had helped them and hope that their experiences and knowledge will help other parents
Information for young people (Easy Read)
Preparing for the future is important. As children grow up, there are new things to think about and prepare for
Activities and leisure - Local Offer
Find local youth clubs, activities, events and more for children with special educational needs and disabilities
Disabled Children's Register
Find out how you can register your child for the Disabled Children's Register, and sign up for our West SEND newsletter
Early years - Local Offer
All children are entitled to early education that enables them to set the foundation for a lifelong learning, behaviour, and health
Education - Local Offer
All children are entitled to an education, which must enable them to achieve their best outcomes, become confident individuals, live fulfilling lives, and successfully transition into adulthood
Finance and funding - Local Offer
Advice and guidance about schools finance, personal budgets and financial support for families
Health - Local Offer
Information about local health support services for children with special educational needs and disabilities
Housing - Local Offer
Leaving the parental home and living independently with varying levels of support will take time and lots of planning
Preparation for adulthood
When children are young, decisions are made for them, but as they get older, they begin to make more decisions for themselves - this can be a difficult time for parents and carers
Short breaks
Daytime activities, overnight breaks and respite (Community Short Breaks Service)
Social care and early help - Local Offer
Early help means providing support as soon as a problem emerges, at any point in a child’s life, from the foundation years through to the teenage years
Transport - Local Offer
Advice and guidance on how to use transport in West Northamptonshire, including information on assistance for children and young people with special educational needs
You said, we did - Local Offer
We will publish feedback from all contributors for the Local Offer in this section - it will be populated monthly, with agreement from the Governance Group
SEND strategy
The West Northamptonshire Partnership have co-produced a new Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) and Alternative Provision strategy for 2023 – 2026
Services for children with special educational needs and disabilities
Education, Health and Care (EHC) plans, process and assessment
The education, health and care (EHC) process is used to assess a child's special educational needs and decide whether they require an EHC plan to support improved outcomes
Specialist SEND support services
Specialist SEND support services provide early intervention to assist in identifying a child's special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) at an early stage and may provide advice on relevant support
Educational Psychology Service
Support services for schools, young people and professionals
Follow the Local Offer on social media
Contact the Local Offer team

If you have any questions or feedback, you can get in touch with us via:
- online form email: [email protected]
- telephone: 0300 126 7000
- ask to speak to the Local Offer team or text or WhatsApp us on 07391 381240 or 07780 473982
- Register a Service or Provider with West Northamptonshire's Local Offer
- let us know of any changes to your service details
Publication on the Local Offer does not endorse a provider, so please take reasonable steps to ensure that any service found on the Local Offer is suitable for your family member.
For more information please read our disclaimer.