Local elections 2025
- Local elections 2025
- Eligibility and Nominations for candidates
Eligibility and Nominations for candidates
Before you (a candidate) complete your nomination papers, you should check your eligibility to stand for election.
Guidance is available on the Electoral Commission website on:
You as a candidate are responsible for making sure you're eligible and are not disqualified.
Parish Clerks and electoral services are unable to confirm if candidates are eligible or disqualified from standing for election.
Downloading the nomination papers
You can download the template nomination papers on the Electoral Commission's website. The papers consist of:
- 1a Nomination paper
- 1b Home address form (part 1 and part 2)
- 2c Candidate's consent to nomination (including the pages of legislation)
You then only need to fill in the following forms in certain circumstances:
- certificate of authorisation, if you plan to use a political party name or description
- request for a party emblem, if you plan to use a political party's emblem
- notification of election agent, if you're nominating yourself for the unitary election
You should not sign the consent to nomination form earlier than 1 month before the deadline for submitting your nomination papers.
View the:
Guidance for completing the nomination papers
To assist you when completing the above nomination papers, find annotated nominations papers below, giving examples of how the forms should be completed.
Subscribers for your nomination paper
Your nomination paper must be signed/subscribed by 2 local government electors, that are listed on the 3 March electoral register. The electors must be registered within the ward (or parish, if the parish is not warded) you are standing for election in.
Electoral Services can provide you with the subscribers’ elector number, if you can confirm their name and address. Or you can request for a copy of the electoral register for the area you are standing election in, by completing the forms below and send them to Electoral Services.
How and when to submit your nomination papers
You will be able to submit nomination papers from Monday 17 March until Wednesday 2 April 2025.
Due to expected numbers, we will be running an appointment system for the submission of nomination papers. Appointments are 15-minute slots and can be booked by emailing [email protected] with your name, date and time you’d like to come in and a contact telephone number or calling the Elections Team on 01604 526130.
A member of the team will then contact you to arrange a date and time. You are welcome to just “turn up” at any of the locations during the dates and times given, however you may be required to wait until an officer is free to take your nomination paper and process it.
They must be delivered in person to a Deputy Returning Officer at one of the locations listed below:
The Abbey, Daventry
20 March - 9am – 4.30pm
26 March - 9am – 4.30pm
28 March - 9am – 4.30pm
The Guildhall, One Stop Shop, Northampton
17 March - 9am – 4.30pm 26 March - 9am – 7pm
18 March - 9am – 4.30pm 27 March - 9am – 4.30pm
19 March - 9am – 4.30pm 28 March - 9am – 4.30pm
20 March - 9am – 7pm 31 March - 9am – 7pm
21 March - 9am – 4.30pm 1 April - 9am – 7pm
24 March - 9am – 7pm 2 April - 9am – 4pm
25 March - 9am – 4.30pm
The Forum, Towcester
17 March - 9am – 4.30pm 25 March - 9am – 4.30pm
18 March - 9am – 4.30pm 27 March - 9am – 4.30pm
19 March - 9am – 7pm 31 March - 9am – 7pm
21 March - 9am – 4.30pm 1 April - 9am – 7pm
24 March - 9am – 7pm 1 April - 9am – 7pm
After you have submitted your nomination paper
After we have received and accepted your nomination papers, we will send you a letter via email confirming that the nomination is valid and give more information about election arrangements.
Candidates Briefing
An online briefing will take place for those candidates that are in contested areas. The briefing will cover arrangements for the count, code of conduct and postal voting.
The online briefing has now been rescheduled to 15 April at 5pm.
An email will be sent to all candidates of contested areas after 2 April with a link to the Teams event, this will be recorded and added to the Elections 2025 webpage.
The counting of the votes will take place at Benham Sports Centre, Kings Park Road, Northampton NN3 6LL on the following days:
- WNC wards - Friday 2 May 2025
- Parishes – Saturday 3 May 2025
The results will be published here and on our social media channels as they are announced.
Last updated 10 March 2025