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Disclaimer - Families Information Service

The West Northamptonshire Families Information Service is a free service provided by West Northamptonshire Council.

The information contained within the website is available for the purpose of identifying services and provision that are available to parents, prospective parents, children and young people.

This information does not represent a recommendation or an endorsement of a Service or Provider and neither does West Northamptonshire Council or its partners make any representations as to the accuracy of the information.

Anyone seeking to use or access a service or provision is responsible for undertaking their own checks to determine the suitability and fitness for purpose of that service and provision. Some providers will be registered and inspected by external agencies, such as Ofsted or the Care Quality Commission.

Anyone working with children and young people will be required to have appropriate Disclosure and Barring Service, safeguarding policies and insurance in place, which they should make available to you on request.

Thank you for viewing West Northamptonshire Council's Families Information Service.

Last updated 20 November 2023