Report a concern about a child
If it is an emergency and you think a child may be in immediate danger please contact the emergency services directly by calling 999.
If it is not an emergency, you should report a concern about a child to Northamptonshire Children's Trust.
Family Hubs - face-to-face help and support

Our first Family Hub will be opening in Towcester in spring 2025, offering face-to-face help and support to:
- pregnant women
- parents and carers of children up to 19 years old (or 25 with special educational needs or a disability)
- young people up to 19 years old (or 25 with special educational needs or a disability)
More hubs are coming soon throughout West Northamptonshire.
Pregnancy, childbirth and babies
Give your child the best start for life - find out about local support and how you can prepare for life as a parent
Toddlers and pre-school
Find childcare providers, activities for under 5s and how to apply for a school place for your child
School-age children
Find information and support for families with school age children such as activities and events, how to stay safe online, mental health and more
Information for young people
Find out about help with finances, education opportunities, apprenticeships, learning to live independently and how to get support when you need it
Support for families
Find support with healthy relationships, finance, housing, health and wellbeing, addictions, domestic abuse and employment
Courses and groups for parents and carers
There are lots of programmes for parents and carers to help you in your parenting journey - most are free to book