Find out about help with finances, education opportunities, apprenticeships, learning to live independently and how to get support when you need it
Advice and support for young people
Free employment support
Guidance and support to help residents to secure sustainable employment within West Northamptonshire or start up a business
Stop smoking, drug and alcohol support
Support to help with problems including drugs, alcohol and smoking
Mental health support for children and young people
Find helpful apps, counselling drop-in session details and specialist mental health services for children and young people
Information for care experienced young people
Information and support including affordable housing, education and employment resources and support with finances and the cost of living
Youth clubs
Locations and activity details for youth clubs in West Northamptonshire
Young carers
Being a young carer may feel like too much of a responsibility – find people who can help you and build a strong support network
Free library resources
Join the library
Get access to free resources by joining the library service
Study Happy
Libraries offer study areas and free wifi all year round - in the lead-up to the exam period each year, libraries provide dedicated areas and additional resources to help students
Online reference
We pay the subscription fee on certain websites so that our library users can benefit from access
More services and resources
Help with the cost of living

Find out if you're eligible to get help to pay debt, bills, council tax and rent or mortgage.
Explore a range of cost of living support for young people.
Gangs and child exploitation

Find out more about exploitation, county lines, grooming and how to get help and support on the Safer Northants website.
Guides for young people

Whether you want to get a job or an apprenticeship, sort out your housing situation or learn what you can legally do at each stage of your teenage years, find out more on the Northamptonshire Children's Trust website.
iDiscover - activities, apps and ideas

Whether you are feeling great, a bit meh, or not good, find activities, ideas and tools to help inspire you to explore who you are, grow as a person and learn new things on the iDiscover toolkit.
The iDiscover toolkit has been created by Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (NHFT).
iDiscover also run free events and workshops for young people - log in and book via Eventbrite.