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Disclaimer - Community and Voluntary organisations

Anyone seeking to use or access a service or provision is responsible for undertaking their own checks to determine the suitability of that service or provision.

Community and Voluntary organisations directory

The West Northamptonshire Community and Voluntary organisations directory is a free service provided by West Northamptonshire Council.

The information contained within the website is available for the purposes of identifying local services, groups, and venues available to residents and communities of West Northamptonshire.

The information in the Community and Voluntary organisations directory is not a recommendation or endorsement of any service, provider, or group. Neither West Northamptonshire Council nor our partners make any representations as to the accuracy of the information.

Adding, amending or removing your service

If you are an organisation and would like to add, amend, or remove your service from our directory, please complete our online form:

For all other enquiries email [email protected].

Thank you for viewing our Community and voluntary organisations directory.

Last updated 03 February 2025