Towcester Watermeadows
Northampton Road
NN12 6FW

The Watermeadows has a long and rich history associated with the development of Towcester and the surrounding landscape. The Watermeadows was part of the Easton Neston estate and closed to the public until purchased in 2009 by the former South Northamptonshire Council. The intention was to provide the growing population of Towcester with a much-needed community green space and improve the site’s potential rich ecology.

The Watermeadows is significant and important for a number of reasons:
- Ecology - The site has a rich biodiversity, providing an important grassland and wetland habitat which forms part of wider wildlife environment
- Health and wellbeing – The Watermeadows is Towcester’s largest public open space, and has the potential to provide the growing community with opportunities for recreation, exercise and wildlife watching
- Economic – The Watermeadows forms part of the major Moat Lane Regeneration Project, seeking to revive and connect the town centre with the Mill Stream
- Heritage and Culture – The site forms part of the Grade II* Registered Park and Garden of Easton Neston, the design of which was influenced by Christopher Wren and implemented by Nicholas Hawksmoor. Iron Age remains have also been found on site, and the Watermeadows sits adjacent to the Scheduled Ancient Monument of the Bury Mount and the Grade II listed Towcester Mill.

Recent investment and external funding provided by West Northamptonshire Council and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development assisted in making the Watermeadows more accessible to the local community. With so much to see, there is also a natural play area under the trees to allow children free play.

Last updated 06 July 2023