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Report a change

2025 Housing Association Rent Increases

The Benefits Section is usually informed of your Annual Rent Increase by your Housing Association. You will receive an updated Benefit Notification in March showing your Benefit Entitlement from April 2025.

If it does not include your rent increase, email your Rent Increase letter to [email protected] or bring it to a WNC office.

If you receive Universal Credit, update your Housing Costs through the Universal Credit Portal and provide evidence.

If you are in receipt of Housing Benefit and there is a change in any of your personal circumstances, you must let us know within one calendar month. For Council Tax Reduction, this needs to be reported within 21 days (failure potentially leading to a fine).

If you don't tell us within one calendar month and your benefit decreases, we will go back to the date of the change and create an overpayment which needs to be paid back. Whereas if your benefits could have increased, we will only apply the change to the Monday following our notification.

You may be asked to provide evidence to support your change in circumstances. 

Changes that we must be notified about include:

  • changes to your income and capital
  • changes to Household Members
  • absences
  • change of address
  • change of rent

This isn't exhaustive so if in doubt let us know about the change and we will confirm if it affects your benefit. It is helpful to include the date these changes occurred. 

To let us know of a change in circumstances please email [email protected] with the above information.

Even if you notify the Department for Work and Pensions or the Inland Revenue of any change, you'll need to let us know separately.

Last updated 19 September 2024