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Apply for a parking permit

Fraudulent PCN text messages

We are aware of scam text messages being sent to West Northamptonshire residents. They are fraudulently claiming that residents have been issued a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) and must follow a link to pay a fine. 

Be aware that we never issue PCNs via text. 

If anyone has received a genuinely issued PCN from us, it will have been: 

  • on their vehicle when they have returned to it (parking PCN)
  • via the post with photographic evidence (bus lane offence and/or moving traffic offence)

Please ignore any text messages you receive regarding the issuing of a PCN.

Northampton Town inner ring road area

We offer resident parking permits to properties within the inner ring road in Northampton town centre. The scheme allows permit holders to use selected town centre long stay car parks.

Find out how to apply for a parking permit in the Northampton town centre area.

Daventry area

There are several different types of permit you can apply for in the Daventry area.


  • short stay car parks
  • permits for local businesses
  • permits for construction vehicles
  • special exemption permits
  • permits to place a waste skip within a parking bay on a Council car park

Find out how to apply for a parking permit in the Daventry area.

For permits for Market Square in Daventry, see below.

Other areas in West Northamptonshire

The following information applies to other parking permit zones in areas of West Northamptonshire:

  • including Market Square in Daventry
  • excluding the Daventry area and Northampton town centre inner ring road area (see above)

You must read the terms and conditions which apply to all permit applications and renewals before making your application:

West Northamptonshire Council Notification regarding the processing of any personal data supplied on this form.

  • Data Controller - West Northamptonshire Council
  • Data Protection Officer contact - [email protected]
  • Purpose for processing - To administer the Council’s permit, waiver, suspension facility
  • Legal basis for processing - Your data will be processed on the legal basis of Contract and Public Task
  • Data Sharing - The personal data collected may be shared with our authorised Contractors, bodies responsible for auditing or administering public funds, prevention, and detection of fraud and in accordance with the Privacy Policy
  • Data Retention - This data will be retained for the purpose of audit and financial reporting requirements in accordance with our retention policies
  • Your Rights - You have the several rights; full details can be found within the Privacy Notice You also have the right to complain to the regulation ICO

Physical permits (paper permits)

  • Permits are only valid in the zone showing on the permit. The permit zone letter recorded on the permit must match the zone letter showing on the permit sign. You are not permitted to park in any other zone.
  • You must allow a minimum of 14 working days for all postal applications.
  • Permits will be posted via 2nd class mail. WNC is not responsible for any items lost in the post.
  • Permits must be displayed in the vehicle ensuring all the written details on the permit are always clearly visible through the windscreen so that all of the particulars can be clearly seen by the enforcement officers. Failure to comply may result in a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) being issued. All notes left in a vehicle will not be considered by our officers as you are expected to always display a valid permit when parking in a permit zone.
  • Paid for permits do not become valid until properly displayed in the vehicle as per the above.
  • Do not affix the visitor permit in a vehicle as a more permanent arrangement as this implies the permit is being used not for its intended purpose i.e. By visitors to your property. Visitor Permits seen to be permanently attached to a vehicle may receive a PCN.
  • Replacement permits - an administrative cost of £7.50 will be charged (lost, stolen, damaged or undelivered etc.) - PCN’s will be issued to any vehicle displaying a permit already reported as such. In order to minimise potential fraudulent use of the scheme, limitations on duplicate/replacement requests may apply.
  • Change of vehicle - an administrative cost of £7.50 will be charged. Proof will be required to show that the applicant is the registered keeper of the vehicle (new keeper slip, insurance schedule or proof of purchase/sale) However, the old permit must be returned prior to processing the request. Failure to return the permit will result in the request being treated as a new application, the normal documents will be required, and the usual fee charged. Do not wait until you are due to receive your new vehicle before arranging the changes to your permit.
  • Refunds will not be issued as the initial costs are administrative fees for the issue of the permit.

Virtual permits (electronic)

  • Permits are only valid in the zone applied for. You are not permitted to park in any other zone.
  • You must allow a minimum of 5 working days to process all online applications.
  • Change of vehicle/details - no administrative fees will be charged. Proof will be required to show that the applicant is the registered keeper of the vehicle (new keeper slip, insurance schedule or proof of purchase/sale). Do not wait until you are due to receive your new vehicle before arranging the changes to your permit.
  • Refunds will not be issued as the initial costs are administrative fees for the processing of the application.
  • Permits do not become valid until payments has been received and a confirmation email is sent.


  • Waivers/dispensations are only valid in the location applied for. You are not permitted to park in any other location.
  • You should allow a minimum of 5 working days to process all online applications.
  • For emergencies/urgent requests, please telephone 0345 680 0153 selecting Option 3. A credit or debit card will be required.
  • Waivers/dispensations are limited to a maximum of two vehicles per location unless there is an emergency or at the discretion of Parking Services. There is a further limit of one vehicle per location within town centres.
  • If your permit/waiver allows for more than one vehicle to be registered, it remains your responsibility to assign the permit/waiver to the correct vehicle registration and failure to comply may result in the issuance of a PCN.
  • Refunds will not be issued as the initial costs are administrative fees for the processing of the application.


  • Resident’s permits are limited to two permits per property and are issued on a first come first served basis AND only valid for the vehicle registration as quoted on the permit/record.
  • Visitor permits are limited to one per property, are for the sole use of visitors and are not a substitute for a resident's permit. Misuse may result in a PCN being issued and the permit may be revoked.
  • Business permits are limited to a maximum of 2 per business.
  • Temporary permits are limited to a maximum of one per applicant and is valid for 3 months and if suitable documentation is provided before expiry, then the temporary permit will be exchanged for a full resident's permit (valid for 12 months from the date the temporary permit was issued).
  • Proof of both residency and vehicle ownership is required as a first
    time user of the new system prior to West Northamptonshire Council processing your application. Failure to supply the necessary documentation within 14 days will result in the offer being withdrawn.
  • Renewals - You should log in to your account and click on the green button which can be found next to the permit you are looking to renew which is the renew button. Please do not click on the permit application tab as this creates a brand new application and you will need to upload the required proofing documents.
  • If you do not have an online account, then you should register for one and apply for a brand new permit. Proofing documents will be required for the first year only. If you do not wish to apply online then you will need to telephone the permit office on 0345 680 0153 (Option 2) and application form will be sent via 2nd class post. Please note you should allow a minimum of 14 working days for processing.
  • Renewal reminders (Residents, Visitor and Business permits only) will be issued by email 30 days prior to expiry. Renewal reminders will not be sent for short term permits.
  • If you are moving address, then you should follow the instructions listed on the website found under the Miscellaneous Permit Information heading. Visitor permits cannot be moved between zones and should be left at the property you are vacating. A new application should then be made from your new address if no permit is already held.
  • A permit does not guarantee you a space to park in a particular street, however it does allow your vehicle to park in the allotted parking zone but not on any yellow lines, footways, verges, or time limited bays for longer than permitted.
  • All vehicles must park wholly within a bay as failure to do so may result in a Penalty Charge Notice being issued.
  • Permits cannot be issued if:
    • A vehicle exceeds 1525kg unladen weight or 3500kg gross weight, 5.5 metres in length or 2 metres in width
    • Incomplete documents are received
    • Maximum number of permits have been issued (e.g., One visitor permit already registered at the property)
  • If a card payment is charged back or a cheque dishonoured at any time, then the permit becomes invalid from the notification date from the card company/bank and a PCN may be issued to a vehicle displaying/holding an invalid permit – a letter to the holder is not generally required as their own bank will have confirmed the failed payment.
  • Payments accepted via cheque, postal order (postal applications) credit and debit card (online applications) (Visa, Mastercard, Switch/Maestro and Solo) Please do not send cash.
  • The Council reserves the right to check the particulars of any permit application at any time and may withdraw a permit if deemed ineligible.

Types of permit

In certain instances you can choose between a paper permit (physical permit) or a virtual (electronic) permit. Once paid for, a virtual permit is immediately live so you will not receive a paper permit to display in your vehicle.

Virtual permits

A virtual permit becomes live as soon as a confirmation email is sent to you after payment has been made.

Paper permits

If you opt for a paper permit or your permit type only allows for a physical permit then it must be displayed in the vehicle. You must ensure all the written details on the permit are clearly visible through the windscreen at all times so they can be seen by enforcement officers.

All paper permits are sent via second class mail.

Where permits can be used

See a full list of residential parking permit scheme areas.

Permits are only valid in the zone shown on the permit. The permit zone letter recorded on the permit must match the letter showing on the permit sign. You are not permitted to park in any other zone.

Apply online

You can apply and pay for a new permit or renew a permit online. Payment will be taken via debit or credit card.

Apply by post

To apply by post for a permit in other areas of West Northamptonshire (as listed above), contact the permit team on 0345 680 0153 (option 2) to request a postal application form. This will be sent via second class mail.

Completed applications together with any proofing documents (photocopies acceptable) can be posted to:   

Traffic Enforcement Team
Parking Permits
The Guildhall
St Giles Square

Permits will be posted via second class mail. Refunds will not be issued as the initial costs are administrative fees for the issue of the permit.

Please make sure you include the appropriate remittance and the following documents (photocopies are accepted):

  • vehicle registration document (V5C or equivalent)
  • proof of residency (dated within the last 3 months)

Paying for your permit

We cannot accept payment over the telephone.

For postal applications, we can accept payment by cheques and postal orders only which should be made payable to West Northamptonshire Council. To pay using a debit or credit card, please apply using the online portal.

We will not be held liable for any lost, damaged, returned or undelivered mail items.

If you have opted for a virtual (electronic) permit, there will be no need for a replacement as you no longer hold a paper permit for display in the vehicle as your vehicle details are held electronically.

Paper Permits

  • If a permit is lost, stolen, damaged, spoiled or undelivered then you will need to obtain a replacement
  • The replacement permit will be valid until the expiry date of the original permit
  • There is an administrative fee of £7.50 payable in advance
  • Replacement permits should be obtained online through your account (you will need to have initially set up your account by applying online)
  • Stolen permits – please report this to the Police and provide our office with the relevant Crime Reference Number
  • Penalty Charge Notices will be issued to any vehicle displaying a permit already reported as lost, stolen, damaged/spoiled or undelivered
  • In order to minimise potential fraudulent use of the scheme, limitations on duplicate/replacement requests may apply

Physical (paper) permits

  • If a registered vehicle is replaced before its permit expires, the existing permit must not be altered
  • Please do not wait until you are due to receive your new vehicle before arranging the changes to your permit as dispensation to park your vehicle in the designated permit bays/zone will not be granted
  • There is an administrative fee of £7.50 payable in advance
  • The applicant must return their old permit which has the previous vehicle details displayed before the application will be processed
  • Failure to return the old permit, will result in the application being treated as a new application, the normal documents will be required and the usual new application fee charged
  • The replacement permit will be issued for the remaining period that the original permit was for
  • Proof is required to show that the applicant is the registered keeper of the new vehicle (new keeper slip, insurance schedule or proof of purchase/sale)
  • Penalty Charge Notices will be issued to any vehicle displaying a permit showing any incorrect details

Virtual (electronic) permits

  • You will need to go in to my account online (you will need to have initially set up an account by applying online) and select my permits, then the relevant permit you wish to amend and follow the simple steps
  • Proof is required to show that the applicant is the registered keeper of the new vehicle (new keeper slip, insurance schedule or proof of purchase/sale) – you can upload this online.
  • There is no administrative fee applicable
  • Please do not wait until you are due to receive your new vehicle before arranging the changes to your permit as dispensation to park your vehicle in the designated permit bays/zone will not be granted
  • Penalty Charge Notices will be issued to any vehicle that you have not yet recorded as your current vehicle as per the above

Physical (paper) permits

  • If a resident moves out of a permit zone, it is their responsibility to return all residents/temporary/carer permits
  • All residents/temporary/carer permits will be cancelled and if seen displayed in any vehicle may result in the issue of a Penalty Charge Notice
  • There is no termination fee but due to the administration costs involved, no refunds are available
  • Visitor permits are valid for the property and not the resident so should be left at the property for the use of the new occupants
  • If a resident is moving to another property within the same zone then proof of residency for the new property is required so that we can amend the address accordingly – this will mean that the renewal reminder is sent to the correct address
  • If a resident is moving to a new property in a different designated permit zone then depending on the time remaining on their existing permit, proof of residency for the new property is required and the existing permit must be returned together with the administration fee of £7.50.
  • If the time remaining on the existing permit is less than 3 months then due to the administration fee of £7.50 being charged, it is not worth amending the existing permit and a new application should be completed for the new zone and the required proofing documents for the new address together with the usual new application fee will apply
  • The existing permit must not be altered to reflect the new zone
  • Please do not wait until you are due to move property before arranging the changes to your permit as dispensation to park your vehicle in the new designated permit bays/zone will not be granted
  • There is an administrative fee of £7.50 payable in advance
  • Penalty Charge Notices will be issued to any vehicle displaying a permit showing any incorrect details

Virtual (electronic) permits

  • If a resident moves out of a permit zone, it is their responsibility to cancel all residents/temporary/carer permits. This can be done through My Account online (you will need to have initially set up an account by applying online) and select my permits and follow the simple steps
  • If a resident is moving to another property within the same zone then proof of residency for the new property is required and can be uploaded online
  • If a resident is moving to a new property in a different designated permit zone then you will need to apply for a brand new permit for the new zone and provide the usual proofing documents and fee.
  • Please do not wait until you are due to move property before arranging the changes to your permit/account as dispensation to park your vehicle in the new designated permit bays/zone will not be granted
  • There is no administrative fee for changing your address (unless you have moved into a different permit zone)
  • Penalty Charge Notices will be issued to any vehicle that you have not yet recorded as your current vehicle as per the above

These vehicles are treated in exactly the same manner as a resident’s own vehicle so the same allocation applies (maximum of 2 residents permits per property) and will not be issued over and above the permitted allocation.

There is an annual cost of £35.00 per permit. This is available to residents with a postal address within a designated zone.

Permits cannot be issued if:

  • a vehicle exceeds 1525kg unladen weight or 3500kg gross weight, 5.5 metres in length/2 metres in width
  • incomplete documents are received
  • maximum number of permits have been issued (e.g. two residents permits already registered at the property)

New applications

You will need to go in to my account online (you will need to have initially set up an account by applying online) and select permit applications.


Renewals reminders are sent approximately one month prior to expiry by email where possible.

Proof of residency and vehicle details are not usually required unless application selected at any time for ad hoc checks to confirm eligibility.

Residents must not park in a permit bay/zone until they have received their new permit for their company/works vehicle and have clearly displayed it in that vehicle.

Permits must be displayed in the vehicle ensuring all the written details on the permit are clearly visible through the windscreen at all times. Failure to comply may result in a Penalty Charge Notice being issued.

Permit holders are reminded to check the signage prior to leaving their vehicle, in particular limited waiting bays.

Where a residents’ car is away for repair and a courtesy car is in use, the courtesy car must still be covered by a valid permit when parked in an area designated for permit holders.

Physical (paper) permits

The permit on display must not be the permit registered to the vehicle that is away for repair as the vehicle registration does not match and if seen displayed in a vehicle will receive a Penalty Charge Notice.

Virtual permits

You cannot assume that your existing virtual permit for the vehicle that is away for repair remains valid for your courtesy car – you should contact the Permit Office as soon as possible on 0345 680 0153 to advise of the situation and depending on the circumstances will decide if dispensation is granted to allow the vehicle to park within the permit zone.

Residents should not assume that they can use their Visitors Parking Permit in such circumstances as this is deemed misuse of the scheme and if observed, a Penalty Charge Notice would be issued. Written permission is required from West Northamptonshire Council to allow use of the Visitors Parking Permit.

If the courtesy car is in use by the resident for a period in excess of 4 weeks then the resident would need to apply to change the vehicle details recorded on their residents permit. This process depends on whether you hold a physical (paper) permit or a virtual (electronic) permit.

  1. Physical (paper) permits – an administration fee of £7.50 is payable in advance, the original permit needs to be returned – follow the process outlined on the change of vehicle page
  2. Virtual (electronic) permits – no administration fee applies. You should change the vehicle details via your online account – details of how to do this can be found on the change of vehicle page

In all cases, a copy of the signed Courtesy Car paperwork/agreement will be required before permission to park is granted.

Dispensation will not be granted if:

  1. a vehicle exceeds 1525kg unladen weight or 3500kg gross weight, 5.5 metres in length/2 metres in width
  2. relevant paperwork is not received

If written permission is given to use the Visitor permit then this must be displayed in the vehicle ensuring all the written details on the permit are clearly visible through the windscreen at all times. Failure to comply may result in a Penalty Charge Notice being issued.

Residents who possess a valid blue badge are entitled to park in permit bays/zones without restrictions or the need to display a resident’s permit.

The Blue Badge must be displayed clearly within the vehicle so that the particulars of the badge, serial number and expiry date are visible outside of the vehicle. Failure to comply may result in a Penalty Charge Notice being issued.

Blue badge holders are reminded that the badge is for your use and benefit only and must not be displayed unless you are using it directly.

A number of mandatory disabled parking bays are in existence on roads where residents parking is in operation. Any motorist displaying a valid blue badge is permitted to park within a mandatory disabled bay, irrespective of whether they reside within the parking zone.

Advisory disabled parking bays are also in existence but are not endorsed by the Department for Transport and they are not prescribed in the Traffic Signs Regulation General Directions. West Northamptonshire Council therefore, can not support the implementation of advisory disabled markings within parking zones.

  • Any vehicle on hire by a resident must be covered by a valid permit
  • Where a resident has hired a car and wants to park within a designated zone during the operational hours they should contact the Permit Office as soon as possible on 0345 680 0153 to advise of the situation and depending on the circumstances will decide if dispensation is granted to allow the vehicle to park within the permit zone
  • Residents should not assume that they can use their Visitors Parking Permit in such circumstances as this is deemed misuse of the scheme and if observed, a Penalty Charge Notice would be issued. Written permission is required from West Northamptonshire Council to allow use of the Visitors Parking Permit
  • If the hire car is in use by the resident for a period in excess of 2 weeks then the resident would need to apply for a residents parking permit or a short-term parking permit (if for a period of less than 6 months). You will need to go in to my account online (you will need to have initially set up an account by applying online) and select permit application, then the relevant permit you wish to apply for and follow the simple steps – a virtual (electronic) permit option is now available
  • In all cases, a copy of the signed Hire Agreement will be required before permission to park is granted
  • Dispensation will not be granted if:
  1. a vehicle exceeds 1525kg unladen weight or 3500kg gross weight, 5.5 metres in length/2 metres in width
  2. relevant paperwork is not received
  3. maximum number of permits have been issued (e.g. two residents permits already registered at the property)
  • Residents must not park in a resident parking permit bay/zone until dispensation has been given in writing or they have received their new permit or confirmation by email (virtual (electronic) permit) and have clearly displayed it in their vehicle (physical (paper) permits only)
  • Physical (paper) permits only - permits must be displayed in the vehicle ensuring all the written details on the permit are clearly visible through the windscreen at all times. Failure to comply may result in a Penalty Charge Notice being issued
  • Permits are posted via 2nd class post and applicants are reminded that we no longer offer a front facing service so document drop-off or permit collection etc are regrettably no longer permitted and such applications may be refused unless the correct protocol has been followed
  • Virtual (electronic) permits do not become valid until payments has been received and a confirmation email is sent

  • Motorcycles are permitted to park in a residents’ parking bay/zone provided that they park displaying a valid permit or hold a valid virtual (electronic) permit and that they comply with the requirements of the vehicle type and size as detailed on the Terms and Conditions of the scheme
  • If the vehicle is registered to the resident then you will need to go in to my account online (you will need to have initially set up an account through the apply online button on West Northamptonshire Council’s parking permit webpage) and select permit application, then the relevant permit you wish to apply for – a virtual (electronic) permit option is now available
  • It is the responsibility of the motorcycle owner/hirer to ensure that the permit is securely attached to the vehicle if you have opted for a physical (paper) permit. It may be beneficial to select the virtual (electronic) permit type at application stage. Please be reminded that it is not the responsibility of our officers to advise motorists of how to display their permit or in deed where permit holders for motorcycles can be obtained
  • If the vehicle is hired by the resident, then the rules detailed in the Hire Cars section applies
  • Residents should not assume that they can use their Visitors Parking Permit in such circumstances as this is deemed misuse of the scheme and if observed, a Penalty Charge Notice would be issued. Written permission is required from West Northamptonshire Council to allow use of the Visitors Parking Permit
  • Displaying a valid permit in the property window is not acceptable
  • Physical (paper) permits only - permits must be displayed on the vehicle ensuring all the written details on the permit are clearly visible at all times. Failure to comply may result in a Penalty Charge Notice being issued
  • Virtual (electronic) permits do not become valid until payments has been received and a confirmation email is sent
  • Permit holders are reminded to check the signage prior to leaving their vehicle, in particular limited waiting bays

Motor homes are permitted to park in a residents’ parking bay/zone provided that they park displaying a valid permit (Physical (paper) permit) or hold a valid virtual (electronic) permit and that they comply with the requirements of the vehicle type and size as detailed on the Terms and Conditions of the scheme.

If the vehicle is registered to the resident then you will need to go in to my account online (you will need to have initially set up an account by applying online) and select permit application, then the relevant permit you wish to apply for – a virtual (electronic) permit option is now available.

If the vehicle is hired by the resident then the rules detailed on the Hire Cars word document applies.

Residents should not assume that they can use their Visitors Parking Permit in such circumstances as this is deemed misuse of the scheme and if observed, a Penalty Charge Notice would be issued. Written permission is required from West Northamptonshire Council to allow use of the Visitors Parking Permit.

Physical (paper) permits only - permits must be displayed in the vehicle ensuring all the written details on the permit are clearly visible through the windscreen at all times. Failure to comply may result in a Penalty Charge Notice being issued.

Virtual (electronic) permits do not become valid until payments has been received and a confirmation email is sent.

Permit holders are reminded to check the signage prior to leaving their vehicle, in particular limited waiting bays.

Caravans, trailers or any other non-motorised vehicles are not permitted in the designated permit bays/zones.

Details of such non-motorised vehicles may be passed to the Police who may charge the owner with obstruction under Section 42 of the Road Traffic Act 1988.

Should a significant change of land use occur within a residents' parking zone, for example the conversion of a factory unit to residential housing or apartments, then the zone will be re-assessed to ensure that it still meets the required criteria.

If additional parking bays within a zone are needed as a result of a development and the additional road space is available, the costs of implementation of the extra space will be passed on to the developer as part of a Section 106 agreement.

The criteria for the introduction of the residents’ parking zone must continue to be satisfied in order for the zone to continue to operate. If the proposed development is deemed to create an unsustainable demand for on-street parking, planning conditions shall be imposed to exclude the proposed development from the existing residents’ parking zone.

The onus is on the developer to ensure that sufficient off-street parking provision is provided in accordance with the appropriate section of the latest version of the Northamptonshire Place and Movement Guide.

Proposals which may impact upon the operation of an existing or proposed residents’ parking zone should be forwarded to the development control team for comment.

Vehicles used in the service of a local authority in pursuance of statutory powers or duties are exempt from residents’ parking bay restrictions, as long as they are being used in such service that it is necessary for the vehicle to be positioned where it is waiting.

In certain circumstances, employees who undertake statutory duties may be eligible to apply for a generic permit – please see the Generic Parking Permit application form and the Terms and Conditions applicable to this permit type.

Other than this, there are no exemptions for: Members of Parliament; County, District, Borough, Town or Parish Councillors; County, District, Borough, Town or Parish employees or any other person either directly or indirectly in the service of a public authority, whether on official duty or not.

Doctors are not exempt from waiting/loading restrictions and must adhere to the parking restrictions in place.

Failure to comply with the restrictions including staying longer than the permitted parking period may result in a Penalty Charge Notice being issued.

You may be eligible to apply for a Health Worker permit and should follow the process - please see the Health Worker Permit application form and the Terms and Conditions applicable to this permit type.

Foreign registered vehicles are not exempt from displaying the appropriate permits when parking in a permit bay/zone.

If a foreign registered vehicle belongs to someone who resides/is staying at a property within a designated permit zone then they should follow the process detailed on either the Resident’s Parking Permit application or Short-Term Permit application. You can also apply online - you will need to go in to my account online (you will need to have initially set up an account by applying online) and select permit application, then the relevant permit you wish to apply for.

Residents should not assume that they can use their Visitors Parking Permit in such circumstances as this is deemed misuse of the scheme and if observed, a Penalty Charge Notice would be issued. Written permission is required from West Northamptonshire Council to allow use of the Visitors Parking Permit.

Physical (paper) permits only - permits must be displayed in the vehicle ensuring all the written details on the permit are clearly visible through the windscreen at all times. Failure to comply may result in a Penalty Charge Notice being issued.

Virtual (electronic) permits do not become valid until payments has been received and a confirmation email is sent.

Permit holders are reminded to check the signage prior to leaving their vehicle, in particular limited waiting bays.

Should a property be altered such that the number of independent residencies changes, the permit entitlement at that property may be re-assessed and if necessary a limit imposed.

The re-assessment will take into consideration factors such as:

  1. number of residents of the property prior to the change
  2. number of residents (or potential residents) subsequent to the change
  3. any provision for off-road parking. The provision of off-road parking may preclude the issue of residents’ parking permits, depending on the individual situation

The re-assessment will be carried out in a fair and objective manner, taking into consideration the criteria for the particular zone and the possible effects the change in number of residences may have. The assessment may result in the number of permits being limited and there is no guarantee that every resident within the revised property will be issued with a permit.

In these circumstances, the allocation of permits may be discussed with the property owner or agent.

West Northamptonshire Council will not enter into the resolution of any disputes between landlords and tenants as to who should be eligible for permits.

  • Permits will be issued on a “per residency” basis. In houses in multiple occupation (HMO), permits will be allocated in accordance with the maximum entitlement of 2 per property
  • Permits will be issued to residents of a HMO on a first come, first served basis and no further permits will be issued to the HMO once the maximum allocation for the property has been reached (unless agreed otherwise)
  • West Northamptonshire Council can not and will not be involved in any disputes between residents living in multiple occupation, and likewise will not enter into any discussion arising from disputes between landlord and tenants living in a HMO in relation to permit allocation
  • Visitors parking permits will also be issued on a “per residency” basis and will be issued to the resident(s) who has registered for a parking permit
  • Visitor permits are valid for the property and not the resident so should be made available for all residents in the HMO but the maximum number of annual Visitor permits that may be issued to the property will be the same as the maximum allocation specified in this document (1 per property)
  • In a HMO, if the resident(s) who has registered for a permit moves out before the expiry date of their parking permit, the resident must return their permit to the permit office or go into their account online and cancel their permit
  • Once the permit has been returned/cancelled, the resident will be removed from the residents’ parking database. Other residents within the HMO may then apply for a residents’ parking permit, which again will be issued on a first come, first served basis
  • If the resident moving out was the Visitor permit applicant then the permit should be returned to this office for cancellation so that one of the other residents at the property can apply for this permit type

The following are not exempt from any of the parking restrictions in place and should ensure that they observe the appropriate signs and lines:

  • taxis - Hackney carriages and private hire vehicles
  • breakdown vehicles (unattended)
  • estate agents
  • vets
  • foreign registered vehicles
  • tradesmen

Cabinet Office National Fraud Initiative

​This authority is required by law to protect the public funds it administers. It may share information provided to it with other bodies responsible for auditing or administering public funds, in order to prevent and detect fraud.

Further information can be found on the Government website.

Reasonable adjustments policy

Public authorities such as a local authority, must take steps to remove the barriers you face because of your disability when they carry out their work. The Equality Act 2010 calls this the duty to make reasonable adjustments.

A local authority has a duty to make reasonable adjustments if:

You are disadvantaged by something because of your disability, and it is reasonable to make the changes to remove the disadvantage.

What is meant by 'reasonable'

Adjustments only have to be made if it's reasonable to do so. This depends on things like:

  • your disability
  • its practicality
  • if the change you ask for would overcome the disadvantage you and other disabled people experience
  • the size of the organisation
  • the resources it would require
  • the cost of making the changes
  • if any changes have already been made

Whilst there is an application or renewal process in place via our website or by post, we are aware that this does not suit everybody and if our officers feel (or are advised) that additional assistance is required then we will look to make reasonable adjustments where possible to help you.

Examples of these reasonable adjustments include but are not limited to:

  • a mutually convenient telephone appointment where you can make your application or renewal verbally - however, the call may need to be recorded depending on your disability as the recording may need to act as your signature confirming that you agree to the terms and conditions of the scheme
  • a pre-booked face to face meeting (in exceptional circumstances) at One Angel Square, Northampton where you can apply/renew in person - however if you are unable to provide a signature then your usual mark will need to be witnessed as your acceptance of the terms and conditions of the scheme; and
  • 3rd party liaison acting on your behalf, providing authority has been received from you, to apply or renew your permit as your representative - we would agree in this instance a way of arranging for the terms and conditions to be signed by you as acceptance
  • the local authority will cover the costs of all reasonable adjustments

If we reject your request for an adjustment to be made, we will explain this decision to you, the factors that have been taken into account and may suggest alternatives which will be given the same level of consideration as the original request.

Request a new permit parking scheme

For any new scheme to have validity, the local community must provide evidence of support for it in the form of resident’s surveys or petitions.

We have strict criteria for new schemes, which must be met before a scheme will be considered. 

We will agree to the introduction of residents’ parking schemes where the following criteria are met:

  • not less than 85% of the available kerbside space is occupied for more than six hours between 8am and 6pm on five or more days a week from Monday to Saturday inclusive and a bona fide need of residents is established
  • not more than 50% of the car owning residents have, or could have, parking available within the curtilage of their own property or within 200 metres walking distance by way of garages or other private off-street space
  • the peak or normal working day demand for residents’ spaces should be able to be met
  • the introduction of a scheme should not cause unacceptable problems in adjacent roads
  • we are is satisfied that a reasonable level of enforcement of the proposals can be maintained by parking attendants
  • permits for non-residential premises will be limited in their use to essential operational use only
  • in areas where parking space is severely limited, the introduction of reserved parking does not seriously affect the commercial viability of the area
  • after a full consultation process a minimum of 50% of the residents of the zone directly affected are in favour of the proposals

Contact us

If you have any questions, need more information on creating a new permit zone or would like to view the permit policy please email [email protected]. We will endeavour to respond to all enquiries within 5 working days.

Last updated 19 March 2025