West Northamptonshire Local Access Forum (WNLAF)
Local Access Forums (LAFs) are advisory bodies that provide independent advice on public access to land, for recreational and other functional and utility purposes.
Local Access Forums have a legal function to give advice to a collection of bodies and organisations including:
- the appointing authority, including the local highways authority or National Park authority
- any county, unitary, district or borough council within the area of the LAF
- any secretary of state (or government department)
- Natural England
- The Forestry Commission
- English Heritage
- Sport England
- any parish or town council for any part of the area in which a LAF is established
Our role and responsibilities
The function of the Northamptonshire Local Access Forum (NLAF) is to advise North Northamptonshire Council and West Northamptonshire Councils, as appointing authorities for the area, regarding matters affecting public access within the county.
The main remit of the group is to advise the unitary councils, along with other local authorities, on the management of the county's public rights of way. The advice of the group is to ensure the continued improvement and protection of public rights of way in Northamptonshire for the purposes of open air recreation and the enjoyment of the countryside.
You can view our terms of reference below:
Membership renewal
The correct administration of the NLAF means that each member must step down and be re-elected after a maximum of a 3 year period to keep the group open and fair.
Membership of the NLAF may be applied for from Northants Highways, whose responsibility it is to ensure there is a reasonable balance in the representation of the interests of public access user groups and landowner and occupier groups.
Members must serve in a personal capacity to represent public interests rather than the views of any particular organisations.
Current membership
- Claire Marshall (Chair) - Interest – Horse Riding
- Bob Entwistle (Vice Chair) – Interest – Walking
- Andrew Knapman – Interest – Walking
- John Shenfield – Interest - Walking
- Chris Shaw – Interest – Walking
- Kathi Barker – Interest – Accessibility/Disabled Users
- Fiona Rawlings – Interest – Walking
- Tony Skirrow – Interest – Off Road Cycling
- Tony Hoyle – Interest – Parish Path Warden
- Gerald Davies – Interest – Open Spaces Society
Members of the public are usually entitled to attend meetings, however we are currently looking to welcome new members to the Forum.
If you are interested in becoming a member of the Northamptonshire Local Access Forum, please contact the Secretary using the details in the further information section below.
Agendas and meeting minutes
Next meeting:
- Wednesday 12 March , 5:50pm to 7:30pm
Meetings will be held in the Training Room, Highways Depot, Harborough Road, Brixworth NN6 9BX depot and virtually via Teams.
Agenda Wednesday 11 September 2024
- Welcome and Apologies
- Declarations of Interests
- Member of the Public wishing to address the meeting:
- Lynda Toomer re Bridleway HW6 – Dallington development
- Minutes of last Meeting - Agreement
- Local Transport Plan presentation to Forum
- Action Points Arising from Minutes:
- Rights of Way Action Plan Progress:
Section 106 monies are quite specific but BE and CM can respond re possible community bids (CIL) – how?
WNLAF Planning Consultation – Local Plan/Maj Developments - Volunteer User Groups – Way Forward re mtg 12.1.24
- SW SUE and Relief Road progress (RoW KP16/KP1)
- Towcester Development (SB32) meeting due to take place after WNLAF meeting Dec. 23 update requested
- Bridleway RX7 Chapel Copse, Silverstone
- Masts being installed on a cycleway Hunsbury Meadows
- Dallington SUE BW HW6 connection to BVWay
- Parish Path Wardens – update on status
- Rights of Way Action Plan Progress:
- Major Projects Reports/updates:
- Rights of Way Area Reports – West Northamptonshire
- Definitive Map – DMMO and Recruitment progress
- Trunk Road Crossings - Brackley HS2 - reinstating informal BD7/BD10 link across A43
- LCWIPs - Northampton, Brackley, Towcester and Daventry
- Local Nature Recovery Strategy update
- Rights of Way User Group meeting update/matters arising
- WNLAF way forward – Recruitment etc
- Any Other Business
Agenda: 12 June 2024, 6pm to 7pm
- Welcome and Apologies
- Declarations of Interests
- Notifications of requests to address the meeting
- Minutes of last Meeting including Joint Issues - Agreement
- Action Points Arising from Minutes:
- WNLAF Terms of Reference (appendix A)
- Rights of Way Action Plan Progress
- Ideas for S106 monies expenditure and other ideas
- Volunteer User Groups - Way Forward re mtg 12.1.24
- SW SUE and Relief Road progress (RoW KP16/KP1)
- Towcester Development (SB32) meeting due to take place after WNLAF meeting Dec. 23
- Bridleway RX7 Chapel Copse, Silverstone
- WNLAF Consultation on planning matters
- Brampton Valley Way responsibility
- Masts being installed on a cycleway Hunsbury Meadows
- Major Projects Reports/updates:
- Rights of Way Area Reports – West Northamptonshire (appendix B)
- Definitive Map – DMMO and Recruitment progress (appendix C and appendix D)
- Trunk Road Crossings - Brackley HS2 - reinstating informal BD7/BD10 link across A43.(No report received)
- LCWIPs - Northampton, Brackley, Towcester and Daventry (appendix E)
- Local Transport Plan
- Local Nature Recovery Strategy
- Potential Issues:
- Dallington SUE HW6 diversion
- WNLAF Way Forward
- Any other business
- Date of Next Meeting – 11 September 2024
Agenda Wednesday 13 December 2023
1. Welcome and Apologies
- Welcome and Introductions for new members.
2. Declaration of Interests - All
3. Review of Minutes of Last Meeting - All
4. Update on resources – Row, Amenities etc.
5. Future of WNLAF Meetings:
- Locations
- Dates (2024)
6. Update on Projects:
- Trunk Road Crossings (TC)
- Active Travel
- Definitive Map (SF)
- Report on current outstanding DMMOs
- Major development and installation on new roundabout on A43, Towcester (stopping up of SB32)
- ToR - Discussion
7. Area Reports
- West Northamptonshire areas A, B and C
- Parish Inspection Data – WNC
8. Any Other Business
- Stakeholder Events
9. Dates of future meetings:
- TBC (as above)
Agenda Wednesday 13 December
1. Welcome and Apologies
- Welcome and Introductions for new members.
2. Joint Issues to be discussed
- Rights of Way Action Plan 2024 / 25
- Parish Path Wardens
- Websites and Interactive Mapping
- RoW Users Group meetings
- StreetDoctor
- Training of Volunteers
3. AOB
Date: Wednesday 13 September 2023
Location: Brixworth Depot
1: Welcome and Apologies
- Welcome and Introductions for new members
2: Declaration of Interests
3: Update on resources - Row, Amenities etc.
4: Update on Projects
- Trunk Road Crossings (TC)
- Active Travel
- Definitive Map (GM)
- Report on current outstanding DMMO
- Major development and installation on new roundabout on A43, Towcester (stopping up of SB32)
- Review of draft ToR
5: Issues
- RoWIP Action Plan(s) - Implementation and Update
- Parish Path Wardens (JW)
- Websites and Interactive Mapping
- Liaison meetings with The Ramblers (JW)
- StreetDoctor (AL)
- Maintenance of Cycleways and unadopted Cycleways (AL)
- Training of Volunteers (AL)
6: Standing Orders of Business
- Review of ROW issues, diversion/modifications (TRO) recommendations
- Forward plan of ROW to walk and review and identify issues and opportunities for improvement (agree any site visits)
- Membership issues (mileage / governance)
7: Area Reports
- West Northamptonshire areas A, B and C
- Parish Inspection Data – WNC
8: Any Other Business
9: Dates of future meetings
- Next meeting - Wednesday 13 December, 6pm
- 2024 meeting to be scheduled
Agenda: 30 May 2023
- Welcome and Apologies
- Declarations of Interest
- Update on Resources
- Review of the Minutes of Last Meeting
- Update on Projects
- West and North Northants Shared Issues
- Standing Orders of Business
- Reports
Agenda Thursday 9 February 6pm – 7pm
1: Welcome and Apologies – Bob Entwistle
- Welcome and Introductions for new members
2: Declaration of Interests
3: Election of Chair and Vice Chair
- Nominations to be forwarded to the NLAF Secretary prior to the meeting
4. Update on resources – RoW, Amenities etc.
5. Update on Projects
- Safe crossings on the A43 and other Trunk Roads (TC)
Active Travel
- Don’t Lose Your Way (SF)
- Upton Country Park Accessibility
- Definitive Map (SF)
- Report on current outstanding DMMOs
- WNC Websites, Interactive Mapping etc.
- Surface of Drovers Road, Hunsbury
6. Issues
- RoWIP Action Plan(s) – Implementation and Update
- Parish Path Wardens (JW)
- Websites and Interactive Mapping
- Liaison meetings with The Ramblers (JW)
- StreetDoctor (AL)
- Maintenance of Cycleways and unadopted Cycleways (AL)
7. Standing Orders of Business
- Review of ROW issues, diversion/modifications (TRO) recommendations
- Forward plan of ROW to walk and review and identify issues and opportunities for improvement (agree any site visits)
- Membership issues (mileage / governance)
8. Area Reports
- West Northamptonshire
9. Any Other Business
10. Dates of future meetings: To be decided
Agenda Thursday 9 February 7pm to 7:30pm
1. Update on LAFs and Contract Overview – Andrew Leighton
2. Review of the minutes of last Meeting
3. Terms of Reference
- Review of West Northants Terms of Reference
- Review of North Northants Terms of Reference
4. Volunteer Activities on the RoW Network
- List of appropriate tasks
- Training
- Risk Assessment
- Provision of equipment (PUWER)
- Appropriate Supervision
- Lone Working arrangements
Meeting Minutes
Agenda: Tuesday 29th November, 1700 – 1900hrs, Brixworth Depot
1. Welcome and Apologies – Bob Entwistle
- Welcome and Introductions for new members
2. Declaration of Interests
3. Election of Chair and Vice Chair
- Nominations to be forwarded to the NLAF Secretary prior to the meeting.
4. Update on NLAF and Contract Overview – Andrew Leighton, James Docherty, Graeme Kane
- Future of the NLAF Forum – Bob Entwistle
- Details of Operational Changes, to include maps, organisational charts etc.
5. Review of Minutes of Last Meeting – Bob Entwistle
6. Update on Projects:
- Safe crossings on the A43 and other Trunk Roads (TC)
- The Greenway
- Chester House Bridges (official opening Friday 25 November)
- Don’t Lose Your Way (SF)
- Upton Country Park Accessibility
- Definitive Map (SF)
- Report on current outstanding DMMOs
- Procedure for upgrading a footpath to a bridleway
- WNC / NNC Websites, Interactive Mapping etc. (JD)
- Surface of Drovers Road, Hunsbury
7. Issues
- RoWIP Action Plan(s) – Implementation and Update
- Parish Path Wardens (JW)
- Websites and Interactive Mapping (JD)
- Liaison meetings with The Ramblers (JW)
- StreetDoctor (AL)
- Maintenance of Cycleways and unadopted Cycleways (AL)
- Training of Volunteers
8. Standing Orders of Business
- Review of ROW issues, diversion/modifications (TRO) recommendations
- Forward plan of ROW to walk and review and identify issues and opportunities for improvement (agree any site visits)
- Membership issues (mileage / governance)
9. Area Reports
- West Northamptonshire and North Northamptonshire
- Active Travel – to include information on how Active Travel intersects with National Highways
10. Any Other Business
11. Dates of future meetings:
- To be decided.
Meeting Minutes
Agenda: Thursday 25 August, 1900 – 2100hrs
1. Welcome and Apologies – Bob Entwistle
- Welcome and Introductions for new members
2. Declaration of Interests
3. Update on NLAF and Contract Overview – Leon Jolly, James Docherty, Graeme Kane
- Future of the NLAF Forum – Bob Entwistle
4: Review of Minutes of Last Meeting – Bob Entwistle
Matters arising
5. Update on Projects
- Safe crossings on the A43 and other Trunk Roads (TC)
- The Greenway and Chester Farm Bridges
- Don’t Lose Your Way (Steve Fowler)
- Site Visits (Rob Carroll)
- Upton Country Park Accessibility (Leon Jolly)
- Definitive Map (Steve Fowler)
- WNC / NNC Websites, Interactive Mapping etc. (James Docherty)
- Brixworth Churchyard Kissing Gate (Leon Jolly)
6: Issues
- RoWIP Action Plan(s) – Implementation and Update: Leon Jolly
- Parish Path Wardens
- PPW Teams Page
- Websites and Interactive Mapping
- Links to Websites
- Liaison meetings with The Ramblers
- StreetDoctor / Fix My Street
- Maintenance of Cycleways
7. Standing Orders of Business
- Review of ROW issues, diversion/modifications (TRO) recommendations
- Forward plan of ROW to walk and review and identify issues and opportunities for improvement (agree any site visits)
- Membership issues (mileage / governance)
8. Area Reports
- Areas 1, 2 and 3
- Active Travel
9. Any Other Business
10. Dates of future meetings:
- Thursday 6 October
- Tuesday 29 November
Meeting Minutes
Agenda: Wednesday 20 April, 1900 – 2100hrs
1: Welcome and Apologies – Bob Entwistle
- Welcome and Introductions for new members
2: Declaration of Interests
3: Review of Minutes of Last Meeting – Bob Entwistle
- Matters arising
4. Update on Projects:
- Safe crossings on the A43 and other Trunk Roads (TC)
- The Greenway and Chester Farm Bridges
- Don’t Lose Your Way
- Site Visits (Rob Carroll)
- Upton Country Park Accessibility
- Definitive Map (Steve Fowler)
- WNC / NNC Websites, Interactive Mapping etc. (James Docherty)
5: Presentation on Local Issues:
- Highways Contract Procurement - Leon Jolly and client officers
- Future of NLAF
- RoWIP Action Plan – Implementation and Update: Leon Jolly
- Parish Path Wardens
- Induction: March 2022
- PPW Teams Page
- Websites and Interactive Mapping
- Links to Websites
- Liaison meetings with The Ramblers
- StreetDoctor / Fix My Street
6. Standing Orders of Business
- Review of ROW issues, diversion/modifications (TRO) recommendations
- Forward plan of ROW to walk and review and identify issues and opportunities for improvement (agree any site visits)
- Membership issues (mileage / governance)
7. Area Reports
- Areas 1, 2 and 3
- Active Travel
- Greenway
8. Any Other Business
- Access issues: Upton Country Park and West Hunsbury (KB)
9. Dates of future meetings
- Thursday 25 August
- Thursday 6 October
Meeting minutes
Agenda: Tuesday 18 January, 1900 – 2100hrs
1. Welcome and Apologies – Bob Entwistle
- Welcome and Introductions for new members
2. Declaration of Interests
3. Elections – Chair and Vice Chair
2. Review of Minutes of Last Meeting – Bob Entwistle
- Matters arising
3. Update on Projects:
- The Greenway and Chester Farm Bridges update
- Lost Ways update
- Isham Bypass
- Site Visits (Rob Carroll)
4. Presentation on Local Issues:
- Highways Contract Procurement - Leon Jolly and client officers
- Future of NLAF
- RoWIP Action Plan – Implementation and Update: Leon Jolly
- Parish Path Wardens
- Induction: January 2022
- Budget 2022/23: Leon Jolly
- Liaison meetings with The Ramblers
- StreetDoctor / Fix My Street
5. Standing Orders of Business
- Review of ROW issues, diversion/modifications (TRO) recommendations
- Forward plan of ROW to walk and review and identify issues and opportunities for improvement (agree any site visits)
- Membership issues (mileage / governance)
6. Area Reports
- Areas 1, 2 and 3
- Active Travel
7. Any Other Business
- Access issues: Upton Country Park and West Hunsbury (KB)
- Protected Characteristics Working Group
8. Dates of future meetings
- To be discussed and confirmed
Thursday 16 December 2021, 7pm to 9pm
1: Welcome and Apologies – Bob Entwistle
- welcome and introductions for new members
2: Declaration of interests
3: Elections - Chair and Vice Chair
4: Review of minutes of last meeting - Bob Entwistle
- matters arising
5: Update on projects:
- The Greenway and Chester Farm Bridges update
- lost ways update
- Isham Bypass
- site visits (Rob Carroll)
6: Presentation on local issues:
- highways contract procurement - Leon Jolly and client officers - future of NLAF
- RoWIP Action Plan - Implementation and Update: Leon Jolly
- Parish Path Wardens, induction: January 2022
- budget 2022/23: Leon Jolly
- liaison meetings with The Ramblers
- StreetDoctor / Fix My Street
7: Standing orders of business:
- review of ROW issues, diversion/modifications (TRO) recommendations
- forward plan of ROW to walk and review and identify issues and
- opportunities for improvement (agree any site visits)
- membership issues (mileage / governance)
8: Area reports:
- Areas 1, 2 and 3
- active travel
9: Any other business
10: Dates of future meetings:
- Tuesday 15 February 2022
- Wednesday 17 May 2022
- Thursday 6 October 2022
- Wednesday 14 December 2022
Meeting minutes
Agenda: Thursday 23 September 2021, 7pm to 9pm
1: Welcome and Apologies – Bob Entwistle
- welcome and introductions for new members
2: Review of Minutes of Last Meeting – Bob Entwistle
- matters arising
3: Presentation on Local Issues:
- transition to unitary status (including procurement of contracts)
- update: Leon Jolly and client officers
- RoWIP Action Plan – Implementation and Update: Leon Jolly
- Parish Path Wardens
- budget 2021/22: Leon Jolly
- liaison meetings with The Ramblers
- potential closure of byways in county
4: Update on Projects:
- The Greenway and Chester Farm Bridges update
- lost ways update
- slow ways update
- proposed government changes to the planning system
5: Standing Orders of Business:
- review of ROW issues, diversion/modifications (TRO) recommendations
- forward plan of ROW to walk and review and identify issues and opportunities for improvement (agree any site visits)
- membership issues (mileage / governance)
6: Area Reports:
- Areas 1, 2 and 3
- active travel
7: Any Other Business
8: Dates of future meetings:
- Thursday 16 December
Meeting minutes
Agenda: Thursday 27 May 2021, 7pm to 9pm
1: Welcome and Apologies – Bob Entwistle
- welcome and introductions for new members
2: Review of Minutes of Last Meeting – Bob Entwistle
3: Presentation on Local Issues:
- transition to unitary status (including procurement of contracts)
- update: Leon Jolly and client officers
- future of the LAF including representation of NNC and WNC at meetings: All
- Parish Asset / Structure List: Leon Jolly
- RoWIP Action Plan – Implementation and Update: Leon Jolly
- Parish Path Wardens
- budget 2021/22: Leon Jolly
- liaison meetings with The Ramblers
4: Update on Projects:
- The Greenway and Chester Farm Bridges update
- lost ways update
- slow ways update
- proposed government changes to the planning system
5: Matters Arising
6: Standing Orders of Business:
- review of ROW issues, diversion/modifications (TRO) recommendations
- forward plan of ROW to walk and review and identify issues and opportunities for improvement (agree any site visits)
- membership issues (mileage / governance)
7: Area Reports:
- structures
- Areas 1, 2 and 3
- active travel
8: Any Other Business
9: Dates of future meetings
Meeting minutes
Agenda: Thursday 18 February 2021
1: Welcome and Apologies – Bob Entwistle
- welcome and introductions for new members
2: Election / Appointment of Vice Chair – Leon Jolly
3: Presentation on Local Issues:
- transition to unitary status – Update: Leon Jolly
- future of the LAF: All
- Parish Asset / Structure List: Leon Jolly
- RoWIP Action Plan – Implementation and Update: Leon Jolly
- budget 2021/22: Leon Jolly
4: Update on Projects:
- The Greenway and Chester Farm bridges update
- lost ways update
- government changes to the planning system
- Northampton Local Cycling and Walking Plan
5: Matters Arising
6: Standing Orders of Business:
- review of ROW issues, diversion/modifications (TRO) recommendations
- forward plan of ROW to walk and review and identify issues and opportunities for improvement (agree any site visits)
- membership issues (mileage / governance)
7: Area Reports:
- structures
- Areas 1, 2 and 3
8: Forward plan:
- dates of future NLAF meetings
- review of the NLAF Webpage
9: Any Other Business
Should you require a copy of the minutes or agendas for the years 2014 to 2020 please email [email protected]
Further information
For all enquiries please email the WNLAF Secretary at [email protected].
Natural England supports and co-ordinates the work of Local Access Forums at a regional level across the country. Further information and guidance is available on the Government website:
Last updated 13 February 2025