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About the Community Safety Partnership

The Crime and Disorder Act 1998 places statutory duties on agencies to come together to address crime and community safety within a Community Safety Partnership (CSP).

West Northamptonshire Community Safety Partnership brings together agencies who are working to make West Northamptonshire a safer place for local people and communities.

The West Northamptonshire Community Safety Partnership is well established, with a clear governance structure to deliver our statutory responsibilities as a collective to reduce crime and disorder and Anti-Social Behaviour.

Our vision

To make West Northamptonshire safer for our communities, businesses and visitors, by working in partnership to reduce the risk and harm of crime and anti-social behaviour. Working together we want to create a place where people feel safe and supported and the diversity of our community is valued.

We have condensed our vision, priorities and outcomes in the document below:

The partnership has drawn upon community profiles, engagement with the community and the Police annual Strategic Assessment to help refresh the priorities for the partnership.

The Assessment collates a considerable amount of information and data, detailing levels of crime and Anti-Social Behaviour, the current volume of crime, level of harm and community concern, the impact on our communities and victims and how much added value can the partnership give, which enables the Community Safety Partnership to consider the current position and any changing circumstances or emerging issues that could necessitate different approaches or interventions.

The current agreed priorities are informed by various existing strategies and priorities, including our Domestic Abuse Strategy, Anti-Poverty Strategy, the emerging Health and Wellbeing Strategy; the priorities of both the Children's Partnership and the Adult Safeguarding Board and the ten live your best life ambitions, specifically, that people feel safe in their homes and when out, that people feel connected to their families and friends and that our communities are accepted and valued simply for who they are. 

The priorities are also considered alongside existing and emerging national priorities and policing priorities included in Northamptonshire Police’s Control Strategy; Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner’s Police, Fire and Crime Plan and the newly established Combatting Drugs Partnership.

We have established a strong Community Engagement Network. The need for local people to be given an opportunity to voice their views and opinions is important in achieving longer-term change and improving community safety.

The partnership regularly asks the community to identify what their greatest community safety concern is in their neighbourhood. These results are analysed every three months and used to set the locally identified priorities and inform the strategic priorities for the partnership.

Our priorities can be summarised in the following:

  • Work with our communities to ensure our neighbourhoods are safe spaces for everyone
  • Target those causing the greatest harm, tackling the causes of crime through prevention and early intervention
  • Reduce incidents of serious violence including domestic abuse, sexual offences and knife crime
  • Protecting vulnerable people, safe-guarding those at risk of exploitation

  • Support and influence the place-based approaches to our priority neighbourhoods and vulnerable locations
  • Increased partnership outreach and environmental improvements that design out crime will be delivered
  • Focus on early intervention and utilising the powers and legislation available to us as a partnership to reduce incidents of anti-social behaviour, youth violence, exploitation and serious organised crime, leading to improved victim satisfaction
  • Improved awareness and reporting for hate crime
  • Our protected and seldom heard communities engaged, ensuring a sense of belonging and improved community cohesion
  • Safer Roads for use by all through supporting communities in the implementation of localised interventions
  • Increased Early Intervention and Youth Offer - Diverting young people from opportunities to commit crime
  • Improved understanding of Serious Organised Crime and gang related activity
  • Improved education and awareness amongst young people in relation to online abuse, gangs, knife crime, criminal and sexual exploitation and hate crime
  • Reducing the number of high risk victims and offenders through referral, education and prosecution
  • The Serious Violence duty will be delivered
  • The Domestic Abuse Strategy will be delivered
  • Improved public confidence in reporting violence, particularly for those disproportionally affected, i.e. women and girls
  • Develop and embed contextual safeguarding to ensure victims and their families get the right support when they need it most
  • Dismantled drug supply chains and effective treatment and recovery services through the delivery of the 10 year drug strategy
  • Reduced opportunity for violent extremism through the delivery of the Prevent and Protect duties

Last updated 07 February 2025