Youth Forum
About the Forum
Northampton’s Youth Forum is the town’s youth council, made up of representatives aged 13 to 19 years old from schools and youth organisations across the borough. The forum members aim to speak up for, and on behalf of young people in Northampton and take an active part in decision making about young people by:
- identifying and tackling issues of importance to young people
- helping to make sure that young people get to have services and facilities in Northampton that they want
- seeking the views of young people and promoting opportunities to get involved and have their say
Please see our Community Forums Code of conduct before attending a meeting.
The forum elects two young people to act as co-chairs each year.
The forum also has two adult chairs. A councillor co-chair, Cllr Anna King, Assistant Cabinet member for Communities, and a community co-chair, Morcea Walker, MBE for her longstanding work with the community and work in young people's education.
We are currently working with members of the Youth Forum to expand the forum and include young people from all areas across West Northants.
Join the Forum
The Youth Forum has young people attending from:
- The Emergency Services Cadets
- Northampton School for Boys
- Northampton Academy
- Northampton International Academy
- Northgate Arts School College
- Kingsthorpe College
- Bosworth College
- Caroline Chisholm
- Wootton Park School
If you would like to get involved please speak to your teachers or email Community Engagement on [email protected].
Report a hate crime
A hate crime is any criminal offence or incident which is perceived by any person as being motivated by a hostility or prejudice based on a personal characteristic such as age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, race and faith.
You may hear professionals who work with young people refer to safeguarding. They talk about this as meaning "promoting a safe environment and preventing harm to children and young people".
This is done in a number of ways:
- adults supervising/supporting the Youth Forum have been DBS checked
- if young people have to miss school (which is not often!) then we make sure that parents/guardians, school, Youth Forum adults workers and young people are all involved so that all the necessary consents and arrangements are in place to help keep the young people safe from harm
We are also a partner to the Northamptonshire Local Safeguarding Children Board - an organisation that works closely including through the Children and Young People's Partnership Plan, to help keep young people safe from harm.
The Youth Forum aims to represent young people aged 13 to 19 in the borough and meet objectives to:
- identify issues of importance to the young people of the borough, and decide on priority actions for the forum
- promote and encourage equality for young people in the borough
- promote partnership working between statutory and voluntary organisations, schools, youth groups and communities
- identifying gaps in provision for young people
The Youth Forum celebrates the following annual events:
- International Youth Day, 12 August
- Hate Crime Awareness Week, October
Please email [email protected] for further information on our events.
Equality Allies

The Equality Allies project was the idea of Northampton's Youth Forum as part of our work around hate crime. The young people wanted to develop something to show a person is an ally to any person targeted by any form of hate crime.
The red heart-shaped logo with an equals sign in the middle reflects equality.
An equality ally is a person who believes in equality for everyone. They will not tolerate acts of violence or hostility directed at any person because of who they are or who someone thinks they are.
To become an ally, collect your free equality badge at one of our community events and wear it proudly. If you see someone being targeted because of who they are, stand up for them. You do dot have to challenge a perpetrator directly to be an ally; stay with the person and help them to feel less alone and vulnerable, or help them get to a safe place.
Never put your personal safety at risk.
If you need support following a hate crime, call Voice confidentially on 0300 303 1965.
- Childline
Information about the free helpline and issues such as bullying - Clubs for Young People Northamptonshire (CYPN)
A charity working closely with the community to ensure there are a variety of safe and enjoyable activities for young people aged 8 to 19 years. CYPN offers to support to new and existing youth clubs and youth projects, including the process of setting up a club - Fearless
Report crimes or concerns around issues such as knife crime, drugs, or sexual exploitation, anonymously - Free2Talk
A provider of youth clubs in Northampton and our partner in delivering Trusted Relationships youth work to young people on the periphery of gangs - Inspiration FM
Opportunities for young people to learn radio and film-making skills - Lowdown
Free and confidential counselling service, sexual health and LGBTQ support services for 12–25-year-old - Northampton Association of Youth Clubs
Supporting the formation and development of youth clubs and bringing youth workers together. NAYC can provide assistance to organise conferences and training courses for youth workers, members and others interested in the welfare of young people - NSPCC
Charity specialising in child protection and prevention of child abuse - Princes Trust
Development opportunities for young people 11-30 - Royal & Derngate Theatre and Projects for Young People
Youth theatre projects - Talk to Frank
Want to get the facts? Worried about you or someone you know? Check out the Talk to Frank website. You can also email or telephone (24 hours a day every day) to get confidential personal advice - UK Youth Parliament
Last updated 04 November 2024