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Community Funding Grants available

Current schemes

There are currently no open schemes.

Closed grant schemes

Well Northants Community Grant

Application detailsScheme details
SchemeWell Northants Community Grant is available for projects that will help to improve the health and wellbeing of the  local community. The project activity must take place in a one of the Well Northants Project areas and address a one of the locally defined priorities.

Daventry: Southbrook

Northampton: Bellinge, Briar Hill, Blackthorn, Kingsheath, Semilong St David’s (Kingsthorpe), 

Who can applyAny voluntary or community organisation as defined by the Council operating within the geographical area of the Council
How to apply

Applications are now closed.

If you are unable to complete using the digital form please contact [email protected] for a paper copy

Minimum value of the grant£250
Maximum value of the grant£2,000 
Single or multiple applications acceptedApplicants can submit one application per locality
Opening date27 January 2025
Closing date23 February 2025 
Contact details

If you have any questions or would like further information contact the well northants team by emailing: [email protected]

The funding will be allocated through a participatory budgeting approach which is designed to empower citizens and communities

It gives people a chance to have their say on what matters for their local area. local people are invited to hear about projects and vote on which they would like to see delivered in their community


Healthwatch West Northamptonshire

Scheme details

A grant of up to £137,962 is available for a local Healthwatch service to understand needs, experiences and concerns of people who use health and social care services and to speak out on their behalf.

Currently, West Northamptonshire Council and North Northamptonshire Council have a joint Northamptonshire Healthwatch organisation contract that will expire on 31 March 2025.

This transition will enable the Council to separate from a Northamptonshire-wide Healthwatch service and develop a new, local Healthwatch West Northamptonshire service.

A local Healthwatch service is a requirement of the Health and Social Care Act 2012. 

LocationUrban and rural areas within the geographical area of West Northamptonshire Council.
Who can apply

The Health and Social Care Act 2012 places limitations on the types of organisations that can provide Healthwatch services. These limitations ensure that providers meet the definition of voluntary, community, or social enterprise organisations, and certain not-for-profit constitutionalised organisations.

Town and Parish Councils are not eligible to apply for this grant. 

How to applyEmail [email protected] for an application form and guidance.
Minimum value of the grant None set.
Maximum value of the grant£137,962 
Opening10 December 2024
Closing date

5pm on Wednesday 22 January 2025



Contact details

If you have any questions, please contact us by email [email protected].

Please quote “Healthwatch West Northamptonshire” and include a contact telephone number in your email.

Household Support Fund (6th tranche)

Scheme details

Grants of up to £100,000 are available for projects or services that support:

  • the Food Aid Network
  • vulnerable households struggling to afford energy bills and energy saving essentials
  • vulnerable households struggling to afford household and wider essentials
LocationUrban and rural areas within the geographical area of West Northamptonshire Council.
Who can apply

Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Organisations that operate, or are prepared to operate, within the geographical area of West Northamptonshire Council.

Town and Parish Councils are not eligible to apply for this grant. 

How to applyEmail [email protected] for an application form and guidance.
Minimum value of the grant£1,000
Maximum value of the grant£100,000
Opening date10 October 2024
Closing date5pm on Wednesday 6 November 2024
Contact detailsIf you have any questions, please contact us by emailing [email protected]. Please quote 'Household Support Fund' and include a contact telephone number in your email.

Community Mental Health Prevention Grant

Scheme details

Grants from £20,000 are available for projects or services that are community based which seek to improve the mental wellbeing of local residents.

The Council welcomes joint bids, especially with an emphasis on collaborative working to tackle mental health inequalities within our local area.

LocationUrban and rural areas within the geographical area of West Northamptonshire Council.
Who can apply

Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Organisations that operate, or are prepared to operate, within the geographical area of West Northamptonshire Council.

Town and Parish Councils are not eligible to apply for this grant. 

How to apply

Email [email protected] for an application form and guidance.

Please state ‘Community Mental Health Prevention Grant’ in the subject title of the email.

Minimum value of the grant£20,000
Maximum value of the grantN/A
Opening date20 August 2024
Closing date27 September 2024
Contact details

If you have any questions, please contact us by email [email protected] and include a contact telephone number in your email.

Please state ‘Community Mental Health Prevention Grant’ in the subject title of the email.

Household Support Fund (fifth tranche)

Scheme details

Grants of up to £100,000 are available for projects or services that support:

  • the Food Aid Network
  • vulnerable cohorts such as disabled people, care leavers, pensioners and those with caring responsibilities
  • vulnerable households struggling to afford household and wider essentials
LocationUrban and rural areas within the geographical area of West Northamptonshire Council
Who can apply

Community, voluntary and social enterprise organisations that operate, or are prepared to operate, within the geographical area of West Northamptonshire Council.

Town and Parish Councils are not eligible to apply for this grant. 

How to applyEmail [email protected] for an application form and guidance.
Minimum value of the grant£1,000
Maximum value of the grant£100,000
Opening date31 May 2024
Closing date5pm on Wednesday 26 June 2024
Contact detailsIf you have any questions, please contact us by email [email protected]. Please quote “Household Support Fund” and include a contact telephone number in your email.

Arts and Culture Grant Scheme

Scheme details

Grants of up to £5,000, are available for arts and culture projects or services that address an identified local need and support, enable or facilitate the achievement of one or more of the Council's strategic aims, objectives or priorities.

To be eligible to apply for this grant scheme organisations must meet 2 or more of the following requirements:

  • providing ongoing arts or culture activities for the local community
  • improving the well-being of vulnerable people
  • increasing the number of people accessing arts and culture
  • increasing the number of visitors to West Northamptonshire
  • increasing levels of physical activity through the use of arts and culture activities

The funding is available for new or existing projects and is open to all Voluntary and Community Sector organisations.

However, priority for funding will be given to those who work with:

  • young people aged 0-16
  • care leavers
  • carers 
  • foster carers or adopters
  • older people
  • people with disabilities
  • people with mental health issues
  • people from diverse communities
LocationUrban and rural areas within the geographical area of West Northamptonshire Council
Who can apply

Community, voluntary and social enterprise organisations that operate, or are prepared to operate, within the geographical area of West Northamptonshire Council.

Town and Parish Councils are not eligible to apply for this grant.

How to applyEmail [email protected] for an application form and guidance.
Minimum value of the grant£100
Maximum value of the grant£5,000
Opening date14 May 2024
Closing date5pm on Wednesday 26 June 2024
Contact detailsIf you have any questions, please contact us by email [email protected]. Please quote “Arts and Culture Grant Scheme” and include a contact telephone number in your email.

Discretionary Community Funding Grants

Scheme details

This grant scheme is open to local registered charities, not-for-profit and VCSE organisations that operate, or are prepared to operate, within the geographical area of West Northamptonshire.

Eligible applicants must address an identified local need, and support, enable or facilitate the achievement of one or more of the Council's strategic aims, objectives or priorities. Details of these strategic aims, objectives or priorities can be found on our website and in our Community Funding Grants Framework.

LocationUrban and rural areas within the geographical area of West Northamptonshire Council.
Who can apply

Community, voluntary and social enterprise organisations that operate, or are prepared to operate, within the geographical area of West Northamptonshire Council.

Town and Parish Councils are not eligible to apply for this grant.

How to applyEmail [email protected] for an application form and guidance.
Minimum value of the grant£500
Maximum value of the grant£15,000
Opening date14 May 2024
Closing date5pm on Wednesday 26 June 2024
Contact detailsIf you have any questions, please contact us by email [email protected]. Please quote “Discretionary Community Funding Grant” and include a contact telephone number in your email.

Skills for Communities Grant Scheme

Scheme details

This grants scheme aims to support local people to develop their learning and skills and help them get into work.

These grants are available to provide support to the Council’s residents, aged 16+, no longer in full-time education, who would like to develop more or different skills.

Examples of how the grant can be used include:

  • delivering training towards qualifications or building life skills
  • improving communication skills and social skills
  • increasing confidence, work experience, coaching or other support
  • supporting literacy and digital skills

The Skills for Communities grant scheme compliments WNC’s existing Multiply programme which is already delivering numeracy skills to local people. The grants cannot be used to fund activity already supported through other funding streams such as the Education and Skills Funding Agency.

LocationUrban and rural areas within the geographical area of West Northamptonshire Council.
Who can apply

Community, voluntary and social enterprise organisations that operate, or are prepared to operate, within the geographical area of West Northamptonshire Council.

Town and Parish Councils are not eligible to apply for this grant.

How to applyEmail [email protected] for an application form.
Minimum value of the grant£10,000
Maximum value of the grant£300,000
Opening date1 May 2024
Closing date5pm on Friday 24 May 2024
Contact details

If you have any questions, please email [email protected].

Please quote "Skills for Communities Grant Scheme" and include a contact telephone number in your email.


Last updated 17 March 2025