Town greens, village greens and common land
Planning Inquiry - 18 February to 28 February
We are holding a Planning Inquiry from Tuesday 18 February to Friday 28 February. You will be able to watch the livestream on our official YouTube channel.
- Town greens, village greens and common land
- Register of town and village greens and common land
- How to apply for a town or village green, or common land
- Current and recent applications
- Landowner deposits (Commons Act 2006)
How to apply for a town or village green, or common land
To make an application for a town or village green, or common land, please download the relevant form from the Gov.UK website.
- Application for the registration of land as a town or village green
- Apply to create a new right of common
Completed forms are to be sent to:
Minerals and Waste Planning Service for Northamptonshire
North Northamptonshire Council
One Angel Square
Angel Street
Guidance notes and frequently asked questions for the new Town and Village Green and Common Land applications can be found on the DEFRA website.
Last updated 01 March 2024