Town greens, village greens and common land
- Town greens, village greens and common land
- Register of town and village greens and common land
- How to apply for a town or village green, or common land
- Current and recent applications
- Landowner deposits (Commons Act 2006)
Register of town and village greens and common land
The registers are statutory documents (Commons Registration Act 2006) and show all such registered land in our area. Each area of common land and town or village green is listed in the registers under a unique 'unit number'.
- 'CL' prefix defines the land as common
- 'VG' prefix defines the land as town or village green
Each unit number in the registers is divided into 3 sections showing details of:
- Land: This includes a description of the land, who registered it and when. There are also related plans which show the boundaries of the land
- Rights: ;This includes a description of the rights of common (for example, the right to graze 100 sheep), over which area of the common they are exercisable, the name of the person (the 'commoner') who holds those rights, and whether the rights arise by virtue of a separate land ownership by the commoner that they 'attach' to land)
- Ownership: This includes details of owners of common land. However, entries in this section of the registers are not held to be conclusive
Amending the registers
When we are notified by the Land Registry of changes in ownership of land we can amend the register in some instances to show changes in address. We are also responsible for registering new town and village greens and common land.
Viewing the registers
To view the registers make an appointment by email to [email protected]. There is no fee to view the register electronically but there will be a fee of £2.14 for a printed copy.
Last updated 17 October 2024