Town greens, village greens and common land
Planning Inquiry - 18 February to 28 February
We are holding a Planning Inquiry from Tuesday 18 February to Friday 28 February. You will be able to watch the livestream on our official YouTube channel.
Town greens, village greens and common land
Village greens
Village greens are usually areas of land within towns or villages which residents can use for exercise, lawful sports and pastimes. These might include organised or ad-hoc games, picnics, fetes and other similar activities.
Whilst town or village greens may be privately owned, many are owned and maintained by local parish or community councils. Some may also have rights of common, for example, grazing of livestock, over them.
Common land
Common land is land, usually in private ownership, that has rights of common over it.
The main features of common land are that it is generally open and unfenced.
Rights of common can include:
- grazing sheep or cattle (herbage)
- taking peat or turf (turbary)
- taking wood, gorse or furze (estovers)
- taking of fish (piscary)
- eating of acorns or beechmast by pigs (pannage)
Last updated 30 November 2023