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Short breaks

Youth clubs (term time)

The Youth Clubs are for young people, aged 8 to 17 years with a disability. Children eligible for the clubs will have a range of needs including learning disabilities or autism. 

The Youth Club gives:

  • the opportunity to relax and have fun
  • the chance to learn, try new activities
  • the opportunity to build confidence and independence
  • assurance for parents that children are taking part in positive and enjoyable activities to grow and develop
  • the opportunity to socialise and make new friends

Sessions include games, arts and crafts, cooking, sports and film nights. 

Term time clubs

Day ClubLocationTimeAgeCost per person
MondayDaventry Youth ClubDaventry Methodist Church, 6 Golding Close, Daventry, NN11 4FH6pm to 8pm8 to 17£5
MondayEcton Youth ClubEcton Village Hall, 78A High Street, Ecton, NN6 0QB6:30pm to 8:30pm8 to 17£5
SaturdayNorthampton AFC ClubFernie Fields Sports Ground, Moulton, NN3 7BD10am to 3pm8 to 17£10
SaturdayDaventry AFC ClubNene Hall Community Centre, Tamar Square, NN11 4RB10am to 3pm8 to17£10

For details of clubs in North Northants, please see the North Northants Local Offer.


If you are interested in a child or young person attending one of the groups, please email [email protected].

One of the Action for Children team will contact you to arrange a home visit and invite you to visit one of the groups or a taster session at a group and will talk about the available activities and services.

Last updated 22 January 2025