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Preparation for adulthood

Independent living

Money and benefits

Bank accounts and learning about money

It is helpful to give young people opportunities to learn about managing money, how to pay for things and having a savings account with support if needed.

When they are approaching 16, if they do not already have one and if they are able to, they should open a current account and a savings account.

There are many different options available dependent on their circumstances and needs.

You can find independent advice through Citizens Advice Services.

NatWest Thrive Online - an innovative digital learning resource designed for youth workers to help young people develop their financial wellbeing.

Sessions include interactive videos and are packed with activities; games aimed at empowering young people to develop essential money know-how and build their confidence.

Created with flexibility in mind, youth workers can pick and mix from the ready-to-use online sessions - simply register, download and deliver.

For more information see:

Visit NYA Youth Work Academy and create a new user account. Complete your profile to access NatWest Thrive Online on the website’s dashboard.

Personal Independence Payments (PIP)

If the young person has been receiving Disability Living Allowance (DLA), a few months before they are 16, they will receive a letter from the Department for Work and Pensions inviting them to apply for a Personal Independence Payment (PIP). It is important that this is applied for as there will not be an automatic transfer. If they did not previously receive DLA, they can still apply for PIP.

To be eligible for a PIP a young person must be over16 years old, have a health condition or disability and:

  • have had difficulties with daily living or getting around (or both) for 3 months
  • expect these difficulties to continue for at least 9 months (unless they are terminally ill with less than 6 months to live)

Being assessed for a PIP

Most people have a face-to-face assessment carried out by a health professional. This is dependent on needs or health condition. This provides an opportunity to talk and communicate about the young person’s condition and how it affects them.

It is helpful to prepare for this assessment and it is a good idea to take a copy of the PIP claim form with you to refer to so that you tell the assessor everything you want them to know about the young person’s condition. It is important that all the support needed on a ‘bad’ day is described, and to take the time to tell the assessor everything.

The assessor will write a report and send it to the DWP to be processed.

Turn2US has advice about all benefits and a benefits calculator. You can use this to see what benefits you or your young person may be entitled to.

Becoming an appointee

A young person turning 16 is usually expected to take on responsibility for any benefits they claim in their own right. If they have been assessed as not having the capacity to manage their benefits themselves, it is possible to become their ‘appointee’ for benefit claims. This must be set up with the DWP before applying for PiP. An appointee is responsible for:

  • making any claims
  • giving any information required and disclosing any changes that may affect the young person’s entitlement to benefits.

The benefits will be paid to the appointee on the young person’s behalf. Becoming an appointee for benefit purposes does not give the appointee any wider rights to deal with their affairs.

Read more about becoming an appointee for someone claiming benefits.

Power of attorney

A person who is over 18 can appoint people to make decisions on their behalf if they become unable to make their own decisions if they have the capacity to do so. For example, decisions about finances or about health and care. 

This is called a lasting power of attorney (LPA). There are 2 types of LPA:

  • a Property and Affairs LPA that covers financial matters
  • a Health and Welfare LPA

The person must have the ability to make their own decisions when they agree for someone to have lasting power of attorney.  

If they do not have the mental capacity to make decisions about their health and welfare and/or financial matters, they may need a court-appointed deputy. This is someone appointed by the Court of Protection to make decisions for someone who is unable to do so on their own. This could be a parent, another family member, or person deemed suitable by the court.  

A finance deputy will usually be required where there are complex finances (Children’s Trust Fund savings accounts are an example).

A property and affairs deputy has the authority to make decisions about the management of a person’s financial affairs.

A deputy may not be required if your young person only receives welfare benefits, and they have been assessed as lacking capacity to manage their finances. Often, an appointeeship is sufficient to manage welfare benefits alone.

Applications to the Court of Protection can be made while the young person is still under the age of 18 but will not come into effect until they are 18.   As deputyships can take some time to put in place, it is helpful to start thinking about whether this will be required for the young person as soon as possible so there is proper legal authority to make financial decisions for them when they reach adulthood.  

Find out more about power of attorney.


Young people may be thinking about where they want to live as an adult.

It may be helpful to think about:

  • do they want to live on their own or with other people?
  • will they rent or buy their home?
  • how will they pay for their home?
  • what technology would help them to live independently
  • what sort of support will they need?
  • will a supported living scheme be something to explore?
  • what adaptations would they need to their home?

Housing options should be something you talk about as part of ongoing transition planning.

All Local Authorities must publish information on housing options on their Local Offer website.

 Find out more about housing.

The young person’s school, college or other education provider should help them start to consider their housing options as they get older. They’ll help them think about who they would like to live with, the type of accommodation they would like, and where.

Living at home

If the young person remains living at the family home but has some need for additional support because of their disability, they may be eligible for support from Adult Social Care Services. The young person will need to be referred for an assessment under the Care Act 2014.  

If they are assessed as having eligible needs, a support plan will be created to identify how their needs can be met. Some of the types of help they may be able to get include:  

  • support to develop independent living skills
  • support with personal care
  • managing money
  • accessing community-based services and resources

They may also be able to access equipment and technology to help with daily living.

Living in their own home

Some young people may opt to live in their own home. If they have a need for additional support because of their disability, a referral to Adult Social Care Services would be needed.  

Some of the types of help they may be able to get include support to develop independent living skills, support with personal care, managing money, and accessing community-based services and resources.  

They may also be able to access equipment and technology to help with daily living.

Social or Council Housing

Social housing means flats or houses that are owned by the Council, or by registered providers. Most social housing is accessed through council housing registers, but some providers also hold their own housing waiting lists. You can find out more about these on the providers website pages.  

West Northants Council operate a choice-based letting scheme. People place weekly bids on properties that they are interested in. The person with the most housing need for that type of property will be offered it.  

To access the housing register, you or your young person will need complete a housing register application form. This will be assessed by the Council. The Council will assess whether your young person is eligible and qualifying and what priority they have for housing. Applications for the housing register can be made online. The contact centre will support anyone with their application if needed.  

Documentation about the young person’s circumstances will be required.  

Contact the WNC Housing Team.

Social Care for Adults

Social care for adults aims to help people stay independent, safe, and healthy so they can live as they wish.

Please see our Information Guide to Social Care and Early Help to learn about the services Adult Social Care may provide.

Supported Living

This type of accommodation is usually identified to meet social care needs if a young person decides they want to move out of their family home and are not ready to live independently.  

Supported living provides support to help people live as independently as possible in the community, and this does include signing a tenancy or licence agreement dependent on the type of support being provided.  

The support would usually dictate the type of arrangement and is based on the young person’s needs. It can be single or shared accommodation and support can be from several hours a week right up to 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  

Supported living service providers are usually commissioned by Adult Social Care Services.  

Shared Lives

Shared Lives is available to young people over the age of 18, who have been assessed by Adult Social Care services as having eligible support needs, and where those support needs could be met within a family environment. 

The Shared Lives carer will support your young person with managing their daily routine, including support with:  

  • basic care needs
  • support with shopping
  • support during holidays
  • budgeting, finance management and tenancy support
  • medication management
  • access to education/work opportunities (paid or unpaid)
  • household duties
  • access to social activities

Find out more about Shared Lives.

Residential care

If the young person needs more support than can be given to them at home or in supported housing, then residential care could be an option for them.

Residential care homes provide 24-hour personal care to a number of people with high care needs living in a shared building. Residents usually have very complex needs that make it difficult for them to access the other options.


Learning to travel as independently as possible is a life skill that is an important part of growing up. Learning these skills as a child and having the opportunity to practice these safely is really important.

Schools and colleges will provide support for this as part of their curriculum, teaching and learning, and it is important that parents and carers also help with this.

Find out more about travel and transport in the Local Offer guide.

Motability Vehicles  

The young person may be eligible for a motability vehicle. This enables them to use the motability component of their Disability Living Allowance (DLA) or PIP to lease a car if they are entitled to a higher rate. 

Carers and parents can drive on behalf of the disabled person. This means that parents of children aged three and above, and non-drivers can apply to join. 

Multiple named drivers can be insured to drive the young person’s car. The vehicle must be used by, or for the benefit of your young person.

Transport provision post-16

Free help with transport to education post 16 is not an automatic entitlement for disabled young people and provision is different to pre-16.

The local authority must publish an annual transport policy statement setting out travel arrangements for young people in their area to get to education, including those with SEND. You can find out more about post 16 SEND transport eligibility in the Council’s policy for Post-16 Transport

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Last updated 25 March 2025